Embarrassing and cringe moments on a meet

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31 July 2022
So, it has been a bit quiet on the chat lately. What better way to start a thread than laughing at yourself, so I was wondering if anyone had had a time when they wanted to die of embarrassment, cringed at something or woke up and thought OMG did I really do that?


31 July 2022
I've had my share, they usually involve alcohol and poor judgement. Helping to demonstrate fire play and having my clit set on fire was probably the worst.... I think there are still people who were at the club that night with permanent ear damage from my screams 😱


3 February 2016
Honestly I've never really had any embarrassing or cringe moment outside of silly stuff that just happens (theirs been the odd stubbed toe, the odd spilt drink, and odd getting trapped in my own shirt) the closest was my first ever experienced and that was more nervous arkwardness.

Deleted member 23453

I was at my partners fathers house and he introduced me to his neighbour, who when chatting told me she had lost her husband a few weeks previous and I without thinking said “have they found him yet” . I felt so silly, embarrassed and wished I could have crawled into a corner. Think before you speak.
10 March 2015
So, it has been a bit quiet on the chat lately. What better way to start a thread than laughing at yourself, so I was wondering if anyone had had a time when they wanted to die of embarrassment, cringed at something or woke up and thought OMG did I really do that?
Ok...this is a bit of a weird one, so read all the way to the end...and yes, it was HIGHLY embarrassing!

At a party, we were regulars at this couples parties, so we knew them well.
They had a dog, a basset hound, which they kept shut away in another room during the party, as he was a complete nutter, loved running around licking and making friends.

I'm upstairs, knelt at the foot of their bed, as a lady is laid down, legs akimbo as I give her some oral, I'm on all fours, naked.

I hear a little commotion downstairs, but think nothing of it...and I carry on.

Suddenly, I hear something behind me, as I have my back to the open bedroom door...and then suddenly a VERY unusual feeling on my ring!
It was cold and wet...yes, that sodding dog had come bounding up the stairs to make more friends, seen me, AND STUCK HIS FUCKING NOSE IN MY RING!

To say it disturbed me would be an understatement, but everyone else absolutely howled with laughter, even the hosts!

Luckily Jayne was driving, so I could have a couple of stiff drinks to settle my nerves.
It was a long time before I could look anyone in the party in the eye after that.


9 November 2015
I don’t remember there being many moments but on what was my 2nd ever swinging meet having gone back to my room with a couple ,the lady went to change on the bathroom……whilst she did her husband and myself watched a bit of tv …. Unfortunately the moment she chose to reveal her sexy outfit to us ….. we both burst out laughing 😱…. At what was on the TV I should add 😇….. the rest of the night was excellent 😈😈
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10 March 2015
So, it has been a bit quiet on the chat lately. What better way to start a thread than laughing at yourself, so I was wondering if anyone had had a time when they wanted to die of embarrassment, cringed at something or woke up and thought OMG did I really do that?
Another one comes to mind.
We were at yet another party (yes, I guess we get about a bit lol!) and Jayne was placed in a sex swing by a guy who we knew well, so Jayne was comfortable enough in his presence for me to go into the next-door bedroom for some frolicking of my own.
Suddenly, there's a bit of a commotion next door, so I quickly get up and head in, only to find our friend holding his bloody nose...he had a reputation as being a bit of an oral expert, and whilst Jayne was enjoying his technique, she jerked her pelvic area involuntarily, just as he was lowering his face again, and her pubic bone broke his nose!
She was most apologetic, and after getting cleaned up he was fine about it, even lightening the mood by claiming it was his own fault for being so good at oral.
As an ex-rugby player he'd had his nose broken a couple of times before, so he just laughed it off.
ted cruz snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
20 March 2021
Embarrassing time for me I was at work, and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to wear tights under my suit trousers without socks. didn't think anyone would notice.

But someone did and had a good laugh saying I had nicked my wife's stockings.... Had to quickly go to the toilet to take them off.