From one swinging site to another.. my experience.

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This is not a sob story...this is a story of resilience

This story isn't pretty reading and believe me it's been less pretty to live through.

Our journey starts on another swinging site where I was happily making friends and meeting great people for almost a year. Around 12 months ago, my troubles started.

Threatening and abusive messages to me from immediately deleted accounts then libellous accusations to others about me being a drug addict, prostitute and even a paedophile again from immediately deleted accounts.

I posted pics as I was an attention seeker? No, I posted pics as that is part of the platform. I posted on forums just to get to hot pics? No, I posted to the forums for good craic, banter and camaraderie. I was surprised and flattered to be top pic on a few occasions but that wasn't why I was there.

This happened multiple times a day for almost the past year. To top it off they even posted my photos on Craiglist asking for information about me.

So far, so psycho right?

Very recently a message was received threatening gang rape before being dumped in a ditch.

Despite reporting this activity on scores of occasions, admin didn't respond once. In fact when I pushed them as to why the radio silence to reports of criminal behaviour they suspended my account.

Guess what? I've gone through some really dark times in the last year but I've come out stronger. I've learned some difficult lessons but that's how we grow.

This is why I'm here. A great friend recommended the site to me and I've been blown away by the accessibility of admin and mods as well as the positivity of members in general. The Cockwell Inn pub quiz completes me although I think a few of us know I can't draw movies titles for toffee As well as this, the site has it spot on with face PV, no race to hot pics and clearly investing in good technology and taking our data rights into consideration.

There are very few members in my local region but keep up the good work admin and staff. Build it and they will come!

Each and every one of us has the power to help admin to grow the site by recommending good people you know to join the safer swinging site. I will continue to refer friends here...please do the same.
About author
Lips & Pearls. Just ordinary people, in a fun and entertaining lifestyle choice of Swinging.


I have witnessed experiences by women via another Website and they have made me ashamed to be a male, briefly.
1.Stereotypical Stalker, made my female friends life a misery threatening to expose her to her husband, he had met my friend a few times and refused leave her alone, not meeting but daily communication that after two years died away when he found another target.
2.Dissapointed ex swinger who could not accept she was not interested in seeing him again, exposed her to her husband.
This is a sensible woman who allowed her home address to leak.
This kind of thing hurts women and hurts the normal chaps who just want to play.

The moral of the story, do not engage in endless E mail ping pong its all rubbish, speak on the phone, meet briefly for coffee,
play on neutral ground.

Only when you really know your swinging playmates share anything else.

Its not the site, there is the danger of screwballs on all sites ( less on Social ), its the behavior

of the people.

The only exception of course is me, you can invite me round anytime!
I have witnessed experiences by women via another Website and they have made me ashamed to be a male, briefly.
1.Stereotypical Stalker, made my female friends life a misery threatening to expose her to her husband, he had met my friend a few times and refused leave her alone, not meeting but daily communication that after two years died away when he found another target.
2.Dissapointed ex swinger who could not accept she was not interested in seeing him again, exposed her to her husband.
This is a sensible woman who allowed her home address to leak.
This kind of thing hurts women and hurts the normal chaps who just want to play.

The moral of the story, do not engage in endless E mail ping pong its all rubbish, speak on the phone, meet briefly for coffee,
play on neutral ground.

Only when you really know your swinging playmates share anything else.

Its not the site, there is the danger of screwballs on all sites ( less on Social ), its the behavior

of the people.

The only exception of course is me, you can invite me round anytime!
Wow Bobby that’s terrible news and situations. We genuinely don’t understand some of the vindictiveness with some people. Really we don’t. That’s very nasty stuff.
Fantastic article although shocking! Great insight into how some sites are run, for those unaware. Makes me grateful to be part of SS.
It certainly is. It's worrying what this person has had to endure actually.
We're also very surprised how few people are fully aware of us too. Especially after having just spoken to someone about the same. So few really know we're out there and specifically for those who need alternatives.
We've yet to have any kind of full discussion about all this but I feel it may come by those it has affected.
Thanks for taking the time to post about this.
This is why I am here (Ste) and was happy to bring my partner in after we met. Had a few bad experiences in the other areas of the net not JUST so called swinging sites but other apps. The PV requirement might appear ott to some but makes thing SOOOO much more relaxed. Glad to say the owners and admins here are on the ball and quick to act if things go sour or a bad attitude turns up. I've had my own wrists slapped before now and even if I didn't like it I've understood their point.
Sorry to hear your tale anon, but hope the folk here have recovered your confidence?
It was great to find this article ( and site). We’ve just left a swinging site feeling that maybe we weren’t cut out for swinging. Not only did we experience homophobia in a fast and furious atmosphere but we also had our profile stolen and witnessed the sale of pictures and blatant sale of class A drugs .. not to mention sex workers and requests for money to cover rent !!
I have to admit this site feels safer all round ... maybe we are cut out for swinging after all?? Lol
Rich and Pixie xx
It was great to find this article ( and site). We’ve just left a swinging site feeling that maybe we weren’t cut out for swinging. Not only did we experience homophobia in a fast and furious atmosphere but we also had our profile stolen and witnessed the sale of pictures and blatant sale of class A drugs .. not to mention sex workers and requests for money to cover rent !!
I have to admit this site feels safer all round ... maybe we are cut out for swinging after all?? Lol
Rich and Pixie xx
Wow! Seriously? That's terrible. Did you report it all and if so what action was taken, if any? That's terrible to hear and read about. Well it's definitely safer, 100% and you're definitely taken more care of.
That's frightening and deeply concerning to read.
Is it the site we think it is (without mentioning it..) Homophobia is extremely prevalent but it's okay for the ladies to be bi right? meh. x
It was great to find this article ( and site). We’ve just left a swinging site feeling that maybe we weren’t cut out for swinging. Not only did we experience homophobia in a fast and furious atmosphere but we also had our profile stolen and witnessed the sale of pictures and blatant sale of class A drugs .. not to mention sex workers and requests for money to cover rent !!
I have to admit this site feels safer all round ... maybe we are cut out for swinging after all?? Lol
Rich and Pixie xx
It took three attempts to get the stolen profile deleted and I reported the various other shenanigans but nothing ever came of it. I found myself getting quite offended when people added the phrase “and definitely no bi guys” to their profiles ☹️ Xx already getting a v positive vibe from this site though xx
It was great to find this article ( and site). We’ve just left a swinging site feeling that maybe we weren’t cut out for swinging. Not only did we experience homophobia in a fast and furious atmosphere but we also had our profile stolen and witnessed the sale of pictures and blatant sale of class A drugs .. not to mention sex workers and requests for money to cover rent !!
I have to admit this site feels safer all round ... maybe we are cut out for swinging after all?? Lol
Rich and Pixie xx
Terrible. (n) Utterly dreadful. We have seen so many fake accounts and catfishing situations. We have even joined other sites in order to bring down stolen profiles and catfish accounts. No bi guys? Okay granted personal preferences and choices, but no need to be homophobic.
It was great to find this article ( and site). We’ve just left a swinging site feeling that maybe we weren’t cut out for swinging. Not only did we experience homophobia in a fast and furious atmosphere but we also had our profile stolen and witnessed the sale of pictures and blatant sale of class A drugs .. not to mention sex workers and requests for money to cover rent !!
I have to admit this site feels safer all round ... maybe we are cut out for swinging after all?? Lol
Rich and Pixie xx
We cannot abide the posts where you see "Single guys if we want you we will find you". Huge supporters of everyone. Inclusive, not exclusive. Fun for everyone. Well, you will hopefully find it far more safer and calmer here. xx

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