How Do I Delete Messages?

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To delete messages from your inbox, you visit your inbox - select message(s) - leave and ignore future messages.
Or from within the message itself, simply click leave - ignore future messages, and the messages will be removed from your inbox.

If you wish to increase your message and storage allowance - for only a few pounds per month, you can have unlimited storage and access.
Please see here for more information: Managing Site Supporter

LeaveMessage.png LeaveMessage1.png
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Administrator of Social Swinging.


Good morning. Please make sure you delete any you don’t need. Is it the maximum quota that you’ve reached?
It says I have a used 5 conversations I can't limit anymore messages and I haven't been on here for a while and when I was last on here it was fine. I have started to delete some conversations but it's still saying the same thing. Strange if you ask me! Never had problem arghhh lol
It says I have a used 5 conversations I can't limit anymore messages and I haven't been on here for a while and when I was last on here it was fine. I have started to delete some conversations but it's still saying the same thing. Strange if you ask me! Never had problem arghhh lol
5 is the maximum. If you upgrade to supporter, everything is unlimited. Including access to videos as well as the gallery etc.
I've sorted it now and yes I thought that and I'm going to get that sorted through paysend 🙌🏾 as I am a big supporter lol

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