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Deleted member 11575

A classic example of this was a profile I read which, and I quote, said _ “we keep getting asked for fem fem play and sex with own partners which is not what this lifestyle is about , if you can’t see your partner with someone else then you shouldn’t be here”
1 September 2018
A classic example of this was a profile I read which, and I quote, said _ “we keep getting asked for fem fem play and sex with own partners which is not what this lifestyle is about , if you can’t see your partner with someone else then you shouldn’t be here”
Nothing beats watching your partner enjoying themselves with another either same sex or other. As long as you don't get left out. X

Deleted member 11575

A classic example of this was a profile I read which, and I quote, said _ “we keep getting asked for fem fem play and sex with own partners which is not what this lifestyle is about , if you can’t see your partner with someone else then you shouldn’t be here”
That wasn’t on here btw xx
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Deleted member 11575

Nothing beats watching your partner enjoying themselves with another either same sex or other. As long as you don't get left out. X[/
That wasn’t on here btw xx
I'm curious to peeps thoughts on this ..... there has been times when I’ve questioned this myself ..... we prefer ff own partner scenario ...... neither of us have issues sharing but I’m not interested in penetration with another man ..... answers on a post card lol xx
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1 September 2018
I'm curious to peeps thoughts on this ..... there has been times when I’ve questioned this myself ..... we prefer ff own partner scenario ...... neither of us have issues sharing but I’m not interested in penetration with another man ..... answers on a post card lol xx
Prefer own partner. That doesn't mean no to a full swap. Go on you know you want to really. I will let Rich do whatever he wants lol. G
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19 March 2015
Initial OP
So, if that's the case, re-read the OP and maybe check the link posted too and draw your own conclusions from it. :) (y)
Uber swingers.
Love them or hate them, they're everywhere. You know the type; won't respond to posts, threads, profile posts, won't reply to anything and everything - UNLESS, they are in your clique, have met you or only circle in your circle/clique.

Message us if you want to meet.

Does this grate you? Does it bother you?
Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't...

But they exist. (you exist) Yes, you. The ones who view things, think on things, but don't respond to things unless your friends do because you "know them". So what do we do about the coffee shop?
Coffee Shop Or Market?
How do you feel about Uber Swingers but most of all how do you stop/prevent it, after all, you won't break their circle? (you know, where they met and made friendships)

Maybe, just maybe, cliques and uber swingers are not for the scene/lifestyle anyway and should go their own way on whatever chat app they use anyway?
Over to you ;) x

This is about people who are standoffish and sit back, when having (possibly) their own established clique and wait for others to then approach, as they won't step out of their clique and discuss or contact anyone else as it's beneath them.
Outsiders are that, outsiders and not allowed in as they're not part of the original clique et al.
Hope that helps explain it Mr SK. Probably not but am trying! :D (y)
9 September 2017
Hi all,
Just a couple of points.

1) Whilst I concur 100% that there are, without doubt, the kind of arrogant tossers around (both in the lifestyle and outside it) who do exactly as has been discussed regarding putting out "ask us and we'll decide if you meet our standards" posts.
But, I don't think it's fair to tar all with the same brush when it comes to the message me/us if you'd like to meet etc.
I can think of at least a couple of instances where a person/couple might be considered justified in putting out such a plea.
Firstly, either a single guy (single females really don't have to worry about this) or a couple, particularly if they are new to the game, may be very nervous, not sure of protocol and may simply not know who to approach as they don't know anyone.

Secondly, and this applies to me so I'll plead my case.
I am hoping to hold a party at my flat where I'd like the emphasis to be that all the guests are very open minded to having a very sexy night ( and not phased by the thought of seeing naked bodies and indeed getting naked themselves.
The type of event, in fact, that almost everyone on the forums claim they're craving. So we'll see won't we?

Now in those circumstances it would be very difficult for me to judge who I think might be game for such fun and frolics. The situation is only made more difficult by the fact that I'm a single guy.
So what do I do? Just send out invitations to everyone not knowing if I'll be causing offence and then, if I get more positive responses than I can accomodate do I then message back and say sorry I know I invited you but some other people also said they'd like to come and I've picked them? Hardly the best way to treat people and keep them as friends.
So, in those circumstances I hardly think it would be unfair of me to put our a general post explaining my plans and asking that if anyone is interested let me know. Once I have enough people (and in this case it would be 8-10 with a 50/50 male to female ratio no one can be offended if I say I'm sorry but there's no more room at the inn

2) My second point is that considering that most people seem reticent to send messages for a variety of reasons although I suspect the main one being that old one of insecurity and fear of rejection I am continually amazed that these same people shun the chance to meet others in the far less pressurised scenario of a Social Swinging event.
Who knows how many couples (and singles to a lesser extent) could have taken their first steps into the lifestyle or achieved their dreams had they turned up in Swansea last week for what promised to be a genuine Swingers event and a night to remember.
So I hope those same people expect no sympathy when they post on here that no-one messages them!
My views on this are well known so I'll leave it there.

Peace and love
Antogs xx
18 October 2015
Hi all,
Just a couple of points.

1) Whilst I concur 100% that there are, without doubt, the kind of arrogant tossers around (both in the lifestyle and outside it) who do exactly as has been discussed regarding putting out "ask us and we'll decide if you meet our standards" posts.
But, I don't think it's fair to tar all with the same brush when it comes to the message me/us if you'd like to meet etc.
I can think of at least a couple of instances where a person/couple might be considered justified in putting out such a plea.
Firstly, either a single guy (single females really don't have to worry about this) or a couple, particularly if they are new to the game, may be very nervous, not sure of protocol and may simply not know who to approach as they don't know anyone.

Secondly, and this applies to me so I'll plead my case.
I am hoping to hold a party at my flat where I'd like the emphasis to be that all the guests are very open minded to having a very sexy night ( and not phased by the thought of seeing naked bodies and indeed getting naked themselves.
The type of event, in fact, that almost everyone on the forums claim they're craving. So we'll see won't we?

Now in those circumstances it would be very difficult for me to judge who I think might be game for such fun and frolics. The situation is only made more difficult by the fact that I'm a single guy.
So what do I do? Just send out invitations to everyone not knowing if I'll be causing offence and then, if I get more positive responses than I can accomodate do I then message back and say sorry I know I invited you but some other people also said they'd like to come and I've picked them? Hardly the best way to treat people and keep them as friends.
So, in those circumstances I hardly think it would be unfair of me to put our a general post explaining my plans and asking that if anyone is interested let me know. Once I have enough people (and in this case it would be 8-10 with a 50/50 male to female ratio no one can be offended if I say I'm sorry but there's no more room at the inn

2) My second point is that considering that most people seem reticent to send messages for a variety of reasons although I suspect the main one being that old one of insecurity and fear of rejection I am continually amazed that these same people shun the chance to meet others in the far less pressurised scenario of a Social Swinging event.
Who knows how many couples (and singles to a lesser extent) could have taken their first steps into the lifestyle or achieved their dreams had they turned up in Swansea last week for what promised to be a genuine Swingers event and a night to remember.
So I hope those same people expect no sympathy when they post on here that no-one messages them!
My views on this are well known so I'll leave it there.

Peace and love
Antogs xx
I absolutely understand this but my post was in reference to the clique aspect in the main not newbies or single guys. For me there tends to be something in the wording of their profile that hits this trigger. A newbie on the whole will start off under selling themselves or will indicate that they're newbies. Single guys who put that I'm more likely to contact than those who think they're God's gift. There is also usually a list of do's and don'ts that goes with some of these arrogant profiles that kitchen my key and makes nd think I wouldn't poke them eith a burnt chip....:D
18 October 2015
I absolutely understand this but my post was in reference to the clique aspect in the main not newbies or single guys. For me there tends to be something in the wording of their profile that hits this trigger. A newbie on the whole will start off under selling themselves or will indicate that they're newbies. Single guys who put that I'm more likely to contact than those who think they're God's gift. There is also usually a list of do's and don'ts that goes with some of these arrogant profiles that kitchen my key and makes nd think I wouldn't poke them eith a burnt chip....:D
Must remember not to post too early in the morning ...triping is rubbish...:rofl:


18 July 2015
I must say @Tiger you stud :whistle:

Crickey we have come across a few in this scene, think they are all that but really they have that Blank look about them even though they believe they are Gods gift, look down at you, you know the type? Follow you about the place but never rate or like anything as it's beneath them to do so, view your profile but never acknowledge your status with a like, smile at your face but pull a Les Dawson face a second you leave... These are Uberswingers and there are a few out there, they simply need to Go :whistle:
8 July 2018
I must say @Tiger you stud :whistle:

Crickey we have come across a few in this scene, think they are all that but really they have that Blank look about them even though they believe they are Gods gift, look down at you, you know the type? Follow you about the place but never rate or like anything as it's beneath them to do so, view your profile but never acknowledge your status with a like, smile at your face but pull a Les Dawson face a second you leave... These are Uberswingers and there are a few out there, they simply need to Go :whistle:
Not sure how to respond to this!
9 November 2018
Interesting comfort is something that can hold us all back at times but interaction on such a platform like this helps. For me its maybe upon joining a site in the hello section you just put a fun fact about yourself if your new to the scene etc just increases interaction etc. Attraction will take you towards who you like but the biggest challenge is at club level I like the idea of an evening like blind date but called swing date or something like speed dating events but for the swinging world.

Interaction is the key rejection is normal and not personal. Its a difficult one
19 March 2015
I must say @Tiger you stud :whistle:

Crickey we have come across a few in this scene, think they are all that but really they have that Blank look about them even though they believe they are Gods gift, look down at you, you know the type? Follow you about the place but never rate or like anything as it's beneath them to do so, view your profile but never acknowledge your status with a like, smile at your face but pull a Les Dawson face a second you leave... These are Uberswingers and there are a few out there, they simply need to Go :whistle:
They were my Room 101 choice :D xx