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9 November 2015
Swinging is not a subject that is generally openly discussed , so be good if it was accepted more in society,after all some people like to go for a run 🏃‍♂️ play golf ⛳️ or knitting 🧶 so why should swinging just be seen as a leisure activity…
Also I agree with the gender pricing it’s about time everyone was equal but the financial implications for venues is single men make the door receipts look good …
12 May 2022
Clubs ,parties I usual bring my Pandoras bag of tricks along to demo and educate interested swingers on the art of safe BDSM skills , and share tricks of the trade on dispelling the myths around its only focus is on whips chains and pain!
The sensual side and potential head fucks around what might happen ? And discovering the thrill of new sensations and styles has opened so many gorgeous friends minds ,eyes and thighs !


18 July 2015
The pricing on clubs has always raised issues and I fully agree. Club owners need to realise we are 2022 and stop being so discriminating, we all scream about equality but how come men are still paying through the roof for entry and women paying zero! So basically women are being used to keep the guys happy and open their legs for nix….. Degrading is an understatement.
Why do clubs allow Ffm entry but not mmf?
It’s time to refresh, ditch the matriarchs so people don’t feel fear if they dare to mention anything…
Everyone should be treated equally and a new fresh look is needed.
19 March 2015
If you could change anything about the swinging scene, what would it be?
The clubs is a definite one. We need it to be more of a level playing field.

Aside from that, just more honesty from people. Don’t use other people and their emotions.
The pandemic is pretty much done and dusted. It’s time for more activity from everyone.
Get things in motion again and get out there. X
10 March 2015
For the most part, I actually think swinging, on the whole, is going in the right direction.
People are becoming more at ease with expressing their sexuality, and others are becoming less judgemental about it.
The club pricing thing is a little bit of an issue....but I'd rather not see it become a completely level playing field, either you'd price single ladies out of going to clubs, or the clubs would become even more rammed with single males... with the corresponding rise is the conga-line of "wanking dead" following you round the club.


18 July 2015
For the most part, I actually think swinging, on the whole, is going in the right direction.
People are becoming more at ease with expressing their sexuality, and others are becoming less judgemental about it.
The club pricing thing is a little bit of an issue....but I'd rather not see it become a completely level playing field, either you'd price single ladies out of going to clubs, or the clubs would become even more rammed with single males... with the corresponding rise is the conga-line of "wanking dead" following you round the club.
Just make it equal numbers for all and charge the same for all, job done x


18 July 2015
Yeah...but quite a few couples won't go to clubs when single guys are in attendance. Some ladies won't go if there are going to be hoards of single guys either. levelling the field would just exacerbate these issues.
Really? That’s shocked me as I’ve not experienced anything like that, those clubs must have bad management, I’ve been to a fair few and the ladies, couples and gents all have a super time. Comes down to good management and what kind of people that attend. X
10 March 2015
Really? That’s shocked me as I’ve not experienced anything like that, those clubs must have bad management, I’ve been to a fair few and the ladies, couples and gents all have a super time. Comes down to good management and what kind of people that attend. X
Xtasia has this rule about single guys being restricted...or did, when we went there in olden times BC (Before Covid) lol.


18 July 2015
Xtasia has this rule about single guys being restricted...or did, when we went there in olden times BC (Before Covid) lol.
We must have been there when guys were allowed, I’ve not heard of anyone at clubs moan though and everyone hangs out with usually people they know. We’ve been lucky I guess and had some great experiences with some really good people and to be fair there’s always been an equal balance. There are some really good select clubs in London which are well run that have a balance of equal amounts, couples and singles, same pricing for all. I know they’re popular but rarely advertised. That’s the way forward in my opinion, same numbers, same entry fee. X
10 March 2015
We must have been there when guys were allowed, I’ve not heard of anyone at clubs moan though and everyone hangs out with usually people they know. We’ve been lucky I guess and had some great experiences with some really good people and to be fair there’s always been an equal balance. There are some really good select clubs in London which are well run that have a balance of equal amounts, couples and singles, same pricing for all. I know they’re popular but rarely advertised. That’s the way forward in my opinion, same numbers, same entry fee. X
They still turf them out on Saturday evenings.
We don't mind how many guys are there, the issue we have is the ones who don't get the social niceties of swinging, and follow us around the club, touching without asking etc.


18 July 2015
They still turf them out on Saturday evenings.
We don't mind how many guys are there, the issue we have is the ones who don't get the social niceties of swinging, and follow us around the club, touching without asking etc.
And that’s what I mean with having good management, if they’re there just to follow people around then turf em out 😬 job done x

Deleted member 11852

The clubs is a definite one. We need it to be more of a level playing field.

Aside from that, just more honesty from people. Don’t use other people and their emotions.
The pandemic is pretty much done and dusted. It’s time for more activity from everyone.
Get things in motion again and get out there. X
We are definitely up for getting out there more... W.. 😈😈
17 August 2021
For the most part, I actually think swinging, on the whole, is going in the right direction.
People are becoming more at ease with expressing their sexuality, and others are becoming less judgemental about it.
The club pricing thing is a little bit of an issue....but I'd rather not see it become a completely level playing field, either you'd price single ladies out of going to clubs, or the clubs would become even more rammed with single males... with the corresponding rise is the conga-line of "wanking dead" following you round the club.
Wanking dead.
I'm stealing that.
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17 August 2021
I have never been to a swing club, but I do understand business.
And a business will always charge as much as the market will bear. And they will always charge whoever the market will bear.
Men have always paid for sex, one way or the other . We eithier pay cash, or buy dinner or get married. Women are smart enough to pretend they dont need sex, men are stupid enough to act like we will die if we don't get some right now. Women turned sex into a commodity.
Women dont have to pay for sex because if they just want to get laid they can choose any man, anywhere, any time.
This is why clubs do not charge women but do charge men. Men are willing to pay, women are not.
Also, if the club is free, you will have millions of men stuffed in there and no women. Charging high prices for men, reduces the amount of men you get.
Not charging for women increases the amount of women you get.
Other than several clubs opening close to each other and starting a price war, I do not see anyway to make the fees equal.
If a club in the US were to charge me a month's wage to get in for just one night, I would gladly pay it because I can't get in at any price.
As long as guys are willing to pay, clubs will keep charging guys more.