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3500 Members!


Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
I know here at Social Swinging quality is far more important than quantity but being the stats follower I am, it’s great to see the site has just reached the 3500 member total, all in about 18 months. No doubt Admin will be doing some autumn pruning of the deadwood (people that have not used the site for a long time) and is constantly monitoring members’ behaviour here, but it’s wonderful that so many people are wanting to join this community that is so completely different to anything else online for this special lifestyle we all enjoy.

And it’s not just online. Opportunities to meet and chat, face to face, are happening from time to time. In March, Social Swinging held their 1st birthday party at The Vanilla Alternative and it was great to see the whole Social Swinging staff team there, along with many other members too. Look out for further opportunities to meet up with the regular contributors who have made this forum so successful.


15 September 2014
Thank you so very much Mr Steed. Indeed you are a stats follower and we've shared some information about many things from time to time, and it's great to see us hit another milestone.
You are also correct, come the autumn I will of course, as usual, be removing the dead wood..

As you said, it's wonderful and amazing that so many people wish to join and be a part of this site - which is definitely so different to anything else online for our chosen lifestyle.
We're a community and I know each and every single member we have - whether active or not, no-one goes unnoticed.
Of course, some are noticed more than others based purely on levels of activity.

As far as a numbers game is concerned, yes it's quantity over quality each and every time. However we are aware that we do still need more bums on seats, and we're pushing everywhere as hard as we can.
I ensured we bought plenty of stationary for the festival, meaning we have lots left over - which I will be hopefully sending to clubs with the possibility of them displaying us.

As always, you've a keen eye on you and I am really pleased to see us just going from strength to strength.
Or as we say; O nerth, i nerth.


Wow thats amazing news!!!! Being a staff member you get to see aand understand just how much hard work goes into the site. So its so so great to see it growing and it makes me feel proud to say im part of it. Long may it continue xxxx


15 September 2014
As a noob member of the site I can hand on heart day it is the best I have been on ! Maybe an old fogey section would be good sometime as I know from other sites sex doesn't stop at 55 lol

But please keep up the good work loving my time here !
Will do Stew and thank you..


As a noob member of the site I can hand on heart day it is the best I have been on ! Maybe an old fogey section would be good sometime as I know from other sites sex doesn't stop at 55 lol

But please keep up the good work loving my time here !
Boy am I glad about that, @ 54 would mean I had one year left
Reactions: Therapon


As a noob member of the site I can hand on heart day it is the best I have been on ! Maybe an old fogey section would be good sometime as I know from other sites sex doesn't stop at 55 lol

But please keep up the good work loving my time here !
A noob?!
Reactions: Admin
27 April 2015
Yes another major milestone in the growing success of the site, its refreshing to see how quickly the site has grown from baby to a young teen in such a short time, Best move we ever made coming here, and for all sorts of reasons not just the sex Lol !! (Though that is the best bit Lol) xx
Thanks @Admin for your vision and sharing it with us all xxx


15 September 2014
You are of course most welcome and thank you for sticking it out with us. x


Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
And another 100 new members in just three weeks bringing total up to 3600! That's impressive. A very warm welcome to all of you.
Reactions: Admin


If only I could have a bumper sticker on the back of my truck as I'm driving around the UK what great advertising that would be, think work would have something to say about that thou.
Reactions: Admin and Steed99


15 September 2014
And another 100 new members in just three weeks bringing total up to 3600! That's impressive. A very warm welcome to all of you.
Doing amazing so far. Let's hope it stays that way, I have said to the staff - I have a feeling that Autumn will be busy. Let's hope
If only I could have a bumper sticker on the back of my truck as I'm driving around the UK what great advertising that would be, think work would have something to say about that thou.
you may be right there!
Reactions: Therapon
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