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18 October 2015
How many of us suffer from this ? And what's the impact if you do suffer from dyslexia do you find the following difficult.
1 posting new posts in forums you know what you want to say however when you type the word in its not what you really wanted.
2 spell check can only work if the key lethers are there ie does it begin with e or i
3 how you feel when people point out your mistakes
4 does it stop you engaging in the forums? in case you say the wrong thing or use the wrong word due to spell check whilst not even realising the wrong word had been picked up eg friend fiend.
5 do you avoid posting pms messages? Incase you look stupid or eliterate therefore missing out engaging with people you would love to meet.
6 looking at the words that are offerd in spell check and not knowing which one to pick. I have on ocassion used a completely different word because I don't recognise the one I want. This can have the effect of completely altering the sentence.
This is not a rant against those who find grammar easy it really is a genuine question from the hart p's I used g for question and got guesting.


How many of us suffer from this ? And what's the impact if you do suffer from dyslexia do you find the following difficult.
1 posting new posts in forums you know what you want to say however when you type the word in its not what you really wanted.
2 spell check can only work if the key lethers are there ie does it begin with e or i
3 how you feel when people point out your mistakes
4 does it stop you engaging in the forums? in case you say the wrong thing or use the wrong word due to spell check whilst not even realising the wrong word had been picked up eg friend fiend.
5 do you avoid posting pms messages? Incase you look stupid or eliterate therefore missing out engaging with people you would love to meet.
6 looking at the words that are offerd in spell check and not knowing which one to pick. I have on ocassion used a completely different word because I don't recognise the one I want. This can have the effect of completely altering the sentence.
This is not a rant against those who find grammar easy it really is a genuine question from the hart p's I used g for question and got guesting.

I don't suffer from dyslexia but feel for those who do. My son has lots of difficulties writing and spelling. So I understand how difficult it can be. I would never correct someone's post for spelling or grammer. I might ask them to clarify if I were unsure of their meaning but that's all. Xxxx
18 October 2015
I do but was not picked up until I was in my 40s by army education course when I was at school I was bullyied for being thick, but you just find away round it, if you can,, I also became a lot more practical minded. (Mr c)
Your absolutely right I'm 52 when I was at school I was treated as lasy or thick by the english department although I did well in all the other subjects. Since leaving school I have obtained a degree although not in english lol and some other significant qualifications no doubt through the help of spell check. Like you I am also practical.
I suppose the real point of my post was to see how wide spead dyslexia really is on the forum we have three in this family alone . I appreciate asking dyslexic people to reply especially in the writen form is a big ask let's be fair not many people own up to being anything other than the norm. Thank you for your reply.
24 February 2016
Nothing to worry to much about, if it young children look out for bullying, chances are they will turn out to be good with there hands and sorting problems for them selfes
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11 August 2015
@Looby&Lew. No I am not dyslexic but I can and often do make basic spelling errors in my replies as do a lot of other on the site, none of us are perfect. I accept that some people will point out my mistakes and sometimes it can be embarassing and I then have two options. I can worry about it and back-off from further posting or I can accept I made mistake and move on.
I'd also point out that your post are never stupid, often as in this case they give me something to consider, I'm as guilty as anyone that I can jump to conclusions and hell how wrong I can be at times. And finally, you know me - and you also know that I am like everyone else, I have my strengths and my weaknesses and happy to be open about this - you are no different.
18 October 2015
@Crezy, I think it's just about being tolerant of others and accepting them for who they are not what they are. I have met @Looby&Lew and he is actually one of the most astute people I know, a strength that many people lack so whilst he may have dyslexia he makes up for it in other ways.
You are such a genuinely lovely man. Thank you for your kind words they mean so much to Law and me x


@Looby&Lew i have also had to change a word i was going to use in a reply in the past as the word i wanted to use i couldn't think how to spell it so completely changed the reply so as to make sense, it comes to something when your twelve year old is a better speller. Steve
18 October 2015
@Looby&Lew i have also had to change a word i was going to use in a reply in the past as the word i wanted to use i couldn't think how to spell it so completely changed the reply so as to make sense, it comes to something when your twelve year old is a better speller. Steve
Cracking I read post instead of past totally altered the sentence looby pointed it out to me priceless lol
24 November 2015
my eldest daughter is dyslexic and for years suffered bullying over her spelling mistakes but she now values her own worth and no longer lets it get to her, we as a family encourage her to just be herself and she,s come so much further with good understanding friends and family support


I suffer from dyslexia (male) and it is hard and sometimes very embarrassing I rely heavily on the phone to help me out if not my wife to help spell a word. And if no one is around to help me I will change the whole sentence to get around a certain word
P x


15 September 2014
Some valuable points raised here and this has been raised before..
I don't suffer from it but I know many people who do. Does that make them any less of a person than anyone else? Nope..

I think there is a HUGE difference between someone writing and having issues with spelling, due to dyslexia - and extremely poor grammar through laziness - such as text speak.
Text speak is awful...

I personally seriously hope no one feels that they sometimes cannot contribute here through embarrassment or fear of reprisals because of suffering from dyslexia.
If I see anyone deliberately poking at anyone who does suffer from dyslexia, then needless to say I won't be impressed.

Aside from that I genuinely do hope that it's not the case some members cannot contribute here through embarrassment or the fear of being ridiculed etc on the site in front of others.

Oh and be yourself, be yourself and don't worry what others may think.. No one is in a position to judge anyone!
24 November 2015
Some valuable points raised here and this has been raised before..
I don't suffer from it but I know many people who do. Does that make them any less of a person than anyone else? Nope..

I think there is a HUGE difference between someone writing and having issues with spelling, due to dyslexia - and extremely poor grammar through laziness - such as text speak.
Text speak is awful...

I personally seriously hope no one feels that they sometimes cannot contribute here through embarrassment or fear of reprisals because of suffering from dyslexia.
If I see anyone deliberately poking at anyone who does suffer from dyslexia, then needless to say I won't be impressed.

Aside from that I genuinely do hope that it's not the case some members cannot contribute here through embarrassment or the fear of being ridiculed etc on the site in front of others.

Oh and be yourself, be yourself and don't worry what others may think.. No one is in a position to judge anyone!