So Has Swinging Lead You .......

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26 October 2018
So boys n girls has your swinging life lead you deeper into the dark mirror world of BDSM ?
Have you found hither too undiscovered kinks that you were either unaware of or were too shy to reveal ?
Just curious because I came into it sort of in reverse , BDSM lead me to swinging and now the two are sometimes merged though I haven’t come up for a name for it yet !!

Deleted member 11094

So boys n girls has your swinging life lead you deeper into the dark mirror world of BDSM ?
Have you found hither too undiscovered kinks that you were either unaware of or were too shy to reveal ?
Just curious because I came into it sort of in reverse , BDSM lead me to swinging and now the two are sometimes merged though I haven’t come up for a name for it yet !!

Got into kinky stuff a few years ago, then this came after. Both different journeys that can sometimes crossover. But one thing to take from the journey is I will not have my nipples electrically shocked again, good to try things out though.


11 August 2015
So boys n girls has your swinging life lead you deeper into the dark mirror world of BDSM ?
Have you found hither too undiscovered kinks that you were either unaware of or were too shy to reveal ?
Just curious because I came into it sort of in reverse , BDSM lead me to swinging and now the two are sometimes merged though I haven’t come up for a name for it yet !!

It may have :sneaky: