Hello all you Sexy Peeps,
We would like to wish every one of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Social Swinging..
What a year it's been! Phew.. We started out in August last year, went live on March the 1st and have steamrolled our ways into 2015.
We have gained some extremely nice members along the way, picked up and dropped one or two bad eggs too - their loss!
But we have gained some amazing members, some amazing clubs have joined and we've just had nothing but good vibes from all of you.
We started this in a bid to change how swinging is not only experienced online, as some of the other sites out there are questionable
- but also how swinging is perceived to the outside world.
Swinging online and on other sites- is viewed no less as basically a porn site. Our mission if you will is not only to get all you sexy buggers together, but to also help educate those among us who have NO idea what swinging is...
So far I think we're doing a bloody good job.
There's been some changes along the way in our first year.. New features, some dropped. Some adjusted. Big votes and then features requested by YOU which we then put in! Your input made some of the biggest changes here.
Some changes with staff, admittedly there have been some chops and changes with staff and hopefully now after almost a year - we have the right balance of admins and moderators, and last but not least of course our live agony aunt service.
We have an amazing new admin on board who simply put, adds a spring in the step of SS.. And she is settling in perfectly. Our mods are friendly, happy, know their jobs but are professional at all times.
To all staff we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts - you do this voluntarily and unpaid, and we appreciate every minute you give to this. xx
@meet_the_fockers @riccarda @Therapon @ShhhAgonyAunt
Sadly some of you have faced deeply personal challenges, some heartbreak even some grief and sorrow.. But we were always there for you and never left you.
Others have left due to various reasons, real life, some with personal circumstances and others who simply don't find it's for them - it happens.. but I am PROUD to say that we have an amazing base of solid, genuine and friendly members here - without which, this site would not continue to flourish the way it currently is.
Next year I see SS only going from strength to strength.. We've shaken the 'competition' up (not really competition as we're a different class...
) , we're gaining members continuously and we're always evolving.
We know each of you here, and cherish all of you... We've made sure from the start that this is a fun, safe, friendly and relaxed place to be - and it will never change.
Thank you for putting up with me, from my "Head in the matrix" changes, to odd posts off me if I've had one too many, to my now infamous "Floating Ommmm" status..
Thank you for being yourselves, thank you for being here but most of all thank you for your continued support of the site, our aims and ambitions - and ethos.
Build it, and they will come. Well we did, and you did!
Next year we have some big changes coming and watch this space peeps...
Also we are going to go from strength to strength and I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year.
Enjoy the parties, enjoy the festivities - most of all enjoy spending time with your loved ones.
We also wish you all a very healthy and prosperous 2016. May all of your dreams and wishes come true.
Lots of love and best wishes
Admin & Pearls xxx
We would like to wish every one of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Social Swinging..
What a year it's been! Phew.. We started out in August last year, went live on March the 1st and have steamrolled our ways into 2015.
We have gained some extremely nice members along the way, picked up and dropped one or two bad eggs too - their loss!
But we have gained some amazing members, some amazing clubs have joined and we've just had nothing but good vibes from all of you.
We started this in a bid to change how swinging is not only experienced online, as some of the other sites out there are questionable

Swinging online and on other sites- is viewed no less as basically a porn site. Our mission if you will is not only to get all you sexy buggers together, but to also help educate those among us who have NO idea what swinging is...
So far I think we're doing a bloody good job.
There's been some changes along the way in our first year.. New features, some dropped. Some adjusted. Big votes and then features requested by YOU which we then put in! Your input made some of the biggest changes here.
Some changes with staff, admittedly there have been some chops and changes with staff and hopefully now after almost a year - we have the right balance of admins and moderators, and last but not least of course our live agony aunt service.
We have an amazing new admin on board who simply put, adds a spring in the step of SS.. And she is settling in perfectly. Our mods are friendly, happy, know their jobs but are professional at all times.
To all staff we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts - you do this voluntarily and unpaid, and we appreciate every minute you give to this. xx
@meet_the_fockers @riccarda @Therapon @ShhhAgonyAunt
Sadly some of you have faced deeply personal challenges, some heartbreak even some grief and sorrow.. But we were always there for you and never left you.
Others have left due to various reasons, real life, some with personal circumstances and others who simply don't find it's for them - it happens.. but I am PROUD to say that we have an amazing base of solid, genuine and friendly members here - without which, this site would not continue to flourish the way it currently is.
Next year I see SS only going from strength to strength.. We've shaken the 'competition' up (not really competition as we're a different class...

We know each of you here, and cherish all of you... We've made sure from the start that this is a fun, safe, friendly and relaxed place to be - and it will never change.
Thank you for putting up with me, from my "Head in the matrix" changes, to odd posts off me if I've had one too many, to my now infamous "Floating Ommmm" status..
Thank you for being yourselves, thank you for being here but most of all thank you for your continued support of the site, our aims and ambitions - and ethos.
Build it, and they will come. Well we did, and you did!
Next year we have some big changes coming and watch this space peeps...
Also we are going to go from strength to strength and I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year.
Enjoy the parties, enjoy the festivities - most of all enjoy spending time with your loved ones.
We also wish you all a very healthy and prosperous 2016. May all of your dreams and wishes come true.
Lots of love and best wishes
Admin & Pearls xxx