Jabs for children

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18 July 2015
Your thoughts on this.
We have a thirteen year old who doesn’t want the jab and I believe it’s his choice.
Is there a need to jab this age group of 12-15 yr olds?
Parents, have you made the decision for your child?
Over to you.



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
My two won't be having it.I don't understand the medical data or the ins and outs.I just know I don't want my children to have something,that was deemed uneccessary just a few months back.
I saw yesterday , there were talks about allowing them to decide for themselves.It was in the sun, so can't say it was a legitimate story x
19 March 2015
My two won't be having it.I don't understand the medical data or the ins and outs.I just know I don't want my children to have something,that was deemed uneccessary just a few months back.
I saw yesterday , there were talks about allowing them to decide for themselves.It was in the sun, so can't say it was a legitimate story x
This is what they're doing - allowing children the freedom of choice if they're capable.
Disgusting tbh. x


9 November 2015
Your thoughts on this.
We have a thirteen year old who doesn’t want the jab and I believe it’s his choice.
Is there a need to jab this age group of 12-15 yr olds?
Parents, have you made the decision for your child?
Over to you.
I don’t have kids so probably shouldn’t comment but vaccination is a tool against spread of disease….if it keeps schools open and stops the disruption to education isn’t that a good thing ?
I know there are down sides to it but disease spread such as Measels , mumps and so on are controlled by vaccines when we are young … and continue to keep us safer as adults… so I do think the benefits outweigh the potential problems ..
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Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
I don’t have kids so probably shouldn’t comment but vaccination is a tool against spread of disease….if it keeps schools open and stops the disruption to education isn’t that a good thing ?
I know there are down sides to it but disease spread such as Measels , mumps and so on are controlled by vaccines when we are young … and continue to keep us safer as adults… so I do think the benefits outweigh the potential problems ..
I don't think it will stop the disruption though,because a large number of parents would rather keep their children off school,than give them an injection that they were told was pointless to children.I'll be one of them x
19 March 2015
I don’t have kids so probably shouldn’t comment but vaccination is a tool against spread of disease….if it keeps schools open and stops the disruption to education isn’t that a good thing ?
I know there are down sides to it but disease spread such as Measels , mumps and so on are controlled by vaccines when we are young … and continue to keep us safer as adults… so I do think the benefits outweigh the potential problems ..
Yeah so jab kids with an unnecessary vaccine - whose survival rates are like 99.9%.
But worst of all, ignore the parents objections and approve it on the child's say so anyway.
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10 August 2021
My two won't be having it.I don't understand the medical data or the ins and outs.I just know I don't want my children to have something,that was deemed uneccessary just a few months back.
I saw yesterday , there were talks about allowing them to decide for themselves.It was in the sun, so can't say it was a legitimate story x
It's called Gilick competency, initially it was so contraception could be discussed with children away from parents, and it's been ruled in court as unlawful. I'll try find the case file for you if you'd like.
27 April 2015
Your thoughts on this.
We have a thirteen year old who doesn’t want the jab and I believe it’s his choice.
Is there a need to jab this age group of 12-15 yr olds?
Parents, have you made the decision for your child?
Over to you.
Ok, I know its Spain, but our 12 year olds upwards are mostly already mostly done with both phiezer jabs, but from what we've seen on uk tv, the teens are only getting 1 dose ?? That's an incomplete dose isn't it ?
26 July 2016
My thoughts on this.

We where told that no real benefits would be achieved by vaccinating the young yet the age groups they are wanting to get vaccinated are getting younger and younger. No one has said much about the risks invovled with getting vaccinated, long term effects are unknown, those who have had it are in all reallity guinea pigs and may or may not have problems in the future from unforseen side effects of the vaccine.

The vaccine will not stop you getting Covid and will not stop you spreading it should you catch it but it will reduce the effect the virus has on your body and improve your chance of surviving, as the younger you are the lower the risk from Covid it seems a pointless exercise to be vaccinating 12 - 15 yr olds


I am Batman ?
28 March 2016
Christ there's some proper misinformation here.
Yup I wanted to stay put of this cos I ain't got kids but fuck me. I am ok with kids getting vaccines in general without parents permissions cos well antivaxers have a mission it seems to bring back all the stuff I didn't have to worry about growing up.

As for covid vaccines, schools and kids I still stand at they should keep them shut, the God danm germ factories
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4 August 2017
High Wycombe
For healthy children, getting covid is most often not a big deal. Typically they will get mild or no symptoms, however for an unlucky few, it can be a serious disease.

In regards directly protecting children from illness, there is a relatively small benefit as most of them would not get very sick anyway.


If covid runs riot through a school, it can bring about serious disruption to the school, and teachers and other staff - especially any staff member with a medical reason why they cannot be vaccinated are placed in far greater risk if high levels of covid are circulating.

Vaccination does not totally stop people from picking up the virus, or completely eliminate the risk they might transmit it, however it does massively reduce illness and death in the vaccinated, and vaccinated people will usually not shed as much virus or shed it for as long as if they were unvaccinated.

Covid vaccine is very well tolerated by children with very few side effects, and I for one believe that the more people we have fully vaccinated, the less people will get sick or die of covid, and the lower the levels of transmission are likely to be in the general community.

In short, do children need the vaccine to directly protect them from serious illness? Not essential but nice to have.

Do children need the vaccine to help keep the schools open and minimise disruption to their education? I believe so.

Do children need to be vaccinated to help make everyone else including their elderly relatives a little safer? I believe there is a strong case.

Are children age 12 to 16 able to decide for themselves? There is a legal test called Gillick competency - which basically means that if a child is able to understand what a vaccine is, consider the benefits and possible risks and with that knowledge come to an informed decision, then in law it is their decision and if a Gillick competent 12 year old asks to have the vaccine even though their parents are anti-vaxers, then they can accept the vaccine and their parents are not able to overturn that decision.
5 July 2021
Child abuse.
A child cannot make the decision, seems to me not many adults have bothered to really research this 'vaccine' cos if they had obtained the info I have, you would not dare to have it.
I warned people this so called vaccine has never been tested on humans when they SUDDENLY approved it after failing in lab tests, then it's rolled out ...hmmm.
Anyone that has had these so called vaccines should be worried and worried big time cos not only are we seeing the negative results already but just wait a few more years 😉
Two of my previous clients (training cardiologist and male nurse) both worked in hospitals in Wales and told me that in their opinion it's propaganda .........back in 2020 when it all started.
The key to a bullet proof immune system is simple - metabolism at 100% plus a combination of the correct supplements and workout daily.....not had a virus in YEARS, been amongst covid sufferers - wife and son caught it, me - nothing.
The human body is more than capable of dealing with this virus, well dependant on your lifestyle and habits.
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5 July 2021
My two won't be having it.I don't understand the medical data or the ins and outs.I just know I don't want my children to have something,that was deemed uneccessary just a few months back.
I saw yesterday , there were talks about allowing them to decide for themselves.It was in the sun, so can't say it was a legitimate story x
Very wise, please stick to it. I HAVE done the research and you have made the correct decision. Ignore the sheep.
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25 July 2016
Ive not been jabbed but most of my family have had and yet they still caught it. Dr told me that he honestly cant insist that people have it all he can do is give you facts that he has infront of him.I do honestly belive that he isnt sure about the jabs but ofcourse he's not allowed to say
17 September 2020
I haven’t had a jab and haven’t had Covid for ages lol. I think it ended up working well the people who wanted the jab had it and they were “protected” supposedly and the people who thought it was a load of crap have been ok from what I’ve seen too. I think the whole thing was overblown