No More Body Shame!

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We're you nervous about having your body on show when you first went swinging?

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Deleted member 4481

Good evening to whoever's reading this. Mrs here from @mrandmrsintrigued. We joined your fabulous site at the weekend and to be fair, it's been horny times ever since!

Because we're new to even chatting with likeminded peeps, we have no idea what is considered polite, or the correct pro forma for doing things, so I just wanted to write a note to give an insight into my thoughts

As you may have seen, we've shared some pretty explicit pics and posts. We've followed, liked and replied.... and we haven't held back on juicy chat. However, the thing is although I talk the talk (and completely love it) I am (or at least have been) unhappy with my body for a few years and it has affected how I behave

Now this isn't the point where I want to hear, 'Oh, but you're beautiful' or 'You're so sexy' - I've got OH for that, and he tells me frequently. I'm telling you because being on here has actually helped

In the past two years, I've gone from a size 10 to a size 14, for various reasons and I've struggled to embrace my wobbly bits! I know I can look okay, I know I can still be sexy, but it's hard work remembering that fact and I know (although perhaps you ladies are all vixens) that I'm probably not alone

The pics that I've posted are both recent and pre-wobble, but I still like them. Even better, I've learned that other people like them too!

So I guess I'm saying thankyou. It's not easy in this media led society, where we're all told we should always be thinner/sexier/prettier. Your input has been invaluable. Maybe I'm not so bad after all!

The next step for us well be meeting some of you lovely folk in person.. *gulps* As our name suggests, we're intrigued, I'm a little nervous. But one thing I won't be is conscious of my body. I don't think you're going to care and I don't think you'll judge. And I (we) look forward to it!

Thank again and very best wishes to all
Mr & Mrs xxx


Good evening to whoever's reading this. Mrs here from @mrandmrsintrigued. We joined your fabulous site at the weekend and to be fair, it's been horny times ever since!

Because we're new to even chatting with likeminded peeps, we have no idea what is considered polite, or the correct pro forma for doing things, so I just wanted to write a note to give an insight into my thoughts

As you may have seen, we've shared some pretty explicit pics and posts. We've followed, liked and replied.... and we haven't held back on juicy chat. However, the thing is although I talk the talk (and completely love it) I am (or at least have been) unhappy with my body for a few years and it has affected how I behave

Now this isn't the point where I want to hear, 'Oh, but you're beautiful' or 'You're so sexy' - I've got OH for that, and he tells me frequently. I'm telling you because being on here has actually helped

In the past two years, I've gone from a size 10 to a size 14, for various reasons and I've struggled to embrace my wobbly bits! I know I can look okay, I know I can still be sexy, but it's hard work remembering that fact and I know (although perhaps you ladies are all vixens) that I'm probably not alone

The pics that I've posted are both recent and pre-wobble, but I still like them. Even better, I've learned that other people like them too!

So I guess I'm saying thankyou. It's not easy in this media led society, where we're all told we should always be thinner/sexier/prettier. Your input has been invaluable. Maybe I'm not so bad after all!

The next step for us well be meeting some of you lovely folk in person.. *gulps* As our name suggests, we're intrigued, I'm a little nervous. But one thing I won't be is conscious of my body. I don't think you're going to care and I don't think you'll judge. And I (we) look forward to it!

Thank again and very best wishes to all
Mr & Mrs xxx
Point being never be ashamed or embarrassed about your body. Its not what defines you and we are all sexy by being open and honest. X


9 November 2015
Good evening to whoever's reading this. Mrs here from @mrandmrsintrigued. We joined your fabulous site at the weekend and to be fair, it's been horny times ever since!

Because we're new to even chatting with likeminded peeps, we have no idea what is considered polite, or the correct pro forma for doing things, so I just wanted to write a note to give an insight into my thoughts

As you may have seen, we've shared some pretty explicit pics and posts. We've followed, liked and replied.... and we haven't held back on juicy chat. However, the thing is although I talk the talk (and completely love it) I am (or at least have been) unhappy with my body for a few years and it has affected how I behave

Now this isn't the point where I want to hear, 'Oh, but you're beautiful' or 'You're so sexy' - I've got OH for that, and he tells me frequently. I'm telling you because being on here has actually helped

In the past two years, I've gone from a size 10 to a size 14, for various reasons and I've struggled to embrace my wobbly bits! I know I can look okay, I know I can still be sexy, but it's hard work remembering that fact and I know (although perhaps you ladies are all vixens) that I'm probably not alone

The pics that I've posted are both recent and pre-wobble, but I still like them. Even better, I've learned that other people like them too!

So I guess I'm saying thankyou. It's not easy in this media led society, where we're all told we should always be thinner/sexier/prettier. Your input has been invaluable. Maybe I'm not so bad after all!

The next step for us well be meeting some of you lovely folk in person.. *gulps* As our name suggests, we're intrigued, I'm a little nervous. But one thing I won't be is conscious of my body. I don't think you're going to care and I don't think you'll judge. And I (we) look forward to it!

Thank again and very best wishes to all
Mr & Mrs xxx
You shouldn't worry you look fabulous.. There are many here with the body issues ... Me included I have never liked the way I look but everyone has been great and always very kind ... So have fun enjoy lots of us are exactly the same new to it just taking each step as it comes along.... XX


15 September 2014
Good evening to whoever's reading this. Mrs here from @mrandmrsintrigued. We joined your fabulous site at the weekend and to be fair, it's been horny times ever since!

Because we're new to even chatting with likeminded peeps, we have no idea what is considered polite, or the correct pro forma for doing things, so I just wanted to write a note to give an insight into my thoughts

As you may have seen, we've shared some pretty explicit pics and posts. We've followed, liked and replied.... and we haven't held back on juicy chat. However, the thing is although I talk the talk (and completely love it) I am (or at least have been) unhappy with my body for a few years and it has affected how I behave

Now this isn't the point where I want to hear, 'Oh, but you're beautiful' or 'You're so sexy' - I've got OH for that, and he tells me frequently. I'm telling you because being on here has actually helped

In the past two years, I've gone from a size 10 to a size 14, for various reasons and I've struggled to embrace my wobbly bits! I know I can look okay, I know I can still be sexy, but it's hard work remembering that fact and I know (although perhaps you ladies are all vixens) that I'm probably not alone

The pics that I've posted are both recent and pre-wobble, but I still like them. Even better, I've learned that other people like them too!

So I guess I'm saying thankyou. It's not easy in this media led society, where we're all told we should always be thinner/sexier/prettier. Your input has been invaluable. Maybe I'm not so bad after all!

The next step for us well be meeting some of you lovely folk in person.. *gulps* As our name suggests, we're intrigued, I'm a little nervous. But one thing I won't be is conscious of my body. I don't think you're going to care and I don't think you'll judge. And I (we) look forward to it!

Thank again and very best wishes to all
Mr & Mrs xxx
Thank you for the very honest insight and perspective both.
Amazing how confidence can be built upon quickly when surrounded by like-minded, genuine, honest and friendly folk.

Deleted member 1402

I worry about my size when at home. I am morbidly obese and since an op in February, I've gained another 3 stone. I have serious mobility issues and other health problems mean I can't exercise, other than 3 little exercises to strengthen my core muscles.
In a club, I'm not bothered about my size and I'm often naked, especially during play. I'm an exhibitionis and like to play in open areas.
Don't know why, but I've more confidence in clubs, only thing I worry about, is people judging me for using a walking stick/scooter/rollator. People think I'm just fat and lazy and I've been called all sorts of names, most common one is "she thinks she's in Benidorm"
I feel like I need to have a flashing billboard with all my medical notes on!


I have wobbly bits....bits where they shouldnt be and bits i dislike but generally swinging and being on this site has increased my confidence loads. And its right beauty does come from within not whats on the outside. So yes initially i was nervous but now im not. I think...if you dont like...jog on to the next lol xxx
25 July 2016
Mr Brum posting

I don't consider myself attractive in the slightest. I have ginger hair, what's left of it, pale skin as I can't tan and a little bit of a beer Neely even though I don't drink. When I am at a club I do at times feel a little insecure when other men are walking around with six packs etc. But most of the time my attitude is I couldn't give a shit.
Mrs Brum has bumps and a few scars from motherhood and before we started visiting clubs was a little insecure about her looks. But she always looks sexy and dresses in something sexy. But over the three years we have been in the scene her confidence as grown
We both don't like woman who are stick thin, or have the look at me attitude. We much prefer the woman next door, lumps, bumps and scars.


As a woman I have taken a journey of not liking my photo's been taken loathing the way my body as changed over the years.we all have flaws but to me it's not what you look like on the outside as looks aren't everything and neither is the perfect size ten your beauty comes from within I say☺


Answering from my point of view (Neil), yes I am concious of my body. I used to train a lot and was in very good shape, at 18 stone odd I was 9% Bodyfat. Time & a couple of health issues culminating with me suffering with CFS/ME means that I can no longer train, or even work right now, and my body has changed quite a bit, I'm still a fairly big guy but now I've got a belly where there didn't used to be one. I don't let it stop me or dwell on it though after-all my body is not all that I am.

I think most of us have issues with one or more aspects of our body or looks, others tend not to care about your perceived issues as much as you do and accept you for who you are, 'imperfections' and all, well at least the people worth bothering about anyhow.


Deleted member 4481

Answering from my point of view (Neil), yes I am concious of my body. I used to train a lot and was in very good shape, at 18 stone odd I was 9% Bodyfat. Time & a couple of health issues culminating with me suffering with CFS/ME means that I can no longer train, or even work right now, and my body has changed quite a bit, I'm still a fairly big guy but now I've got a belly where there didn't used to be one. I don't let it stop me or dwell on it though after-all my body is not all that I am.

I think most of us have issues with one or more aspects of our body or looks, others tend not to care about your perceived issues as much as you do and accept you for who you are, 'imperfections' and all, well at least the people worth bothering about anyhow.

Nice response Neil - and of course I shouldn't forget that you gentlemen suffer the same issues. We have three healthy sons and it seems preposterous when on occasion they say they're fat. Just bonkers. I'll never stop telling them how amazing they are as young men, not until they believe me!
Sorry to hear that you've been unwell and I hope you're managing. My husband thinks I'm bonkers but I have a thing for Johny Vegas - love a man that can make me laugh
Best wishes
Mr & Mrs
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Deleted member 4481

As a woman I have taken a journey of not liking my photo's been taken loathing the way my body as changed over the years.we all have flaws but to me it's not what you look like on the outside as looks aren't everything and neither is the perfect size ten your beauty comes from within I say☺
(Mrs) spot on Louise.... And how liberating it is not to worry about appearance. Thanks for your reply xx
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Deleted member 4481

Mr Brum posting

I don't consider myself attractive in the slightest. I have ginger hair, what's left of it, pale skin as I can't tan and a little bit of a beer Neely even though I don't drink. When I am at a club I do at times feel a little insecure when other men are walking around with six packs etc. But most of the time my attitude is I couldn't give a shit.
Mrs Brum has bumps and a few scars from motherhood and before we started visiting clubs was a little insecure about her looks. But she always looks sexy and dresses in something sexy. But over the three years we have been in the scene her confidence as grown
We both don't like woman who are stick thin, or have the look at me attitude. We much prefer the woman next door, lumps, bumps and scars.
Wow. Well that just about sums it up. So really, what we should do is encourage everyone to go swinging and get over their body issues. Let's start a movement!
I think one of the things that troubles me are the images that my boys are subjected to even with seemingly innocent Google searches - there's so much fakery out there. I don't want them to think that the first girl they get into bed with is going to be shaved, love anal play and cum over the face!! Sorry, Mummy rant over. Thankfully we're an open family and never shy away from discussing issues that some parents would feel uncomfortable with. Hopefully they'll be respectful, thoughtful adults when the time comes...
You sound like a lovely couple - exactly what we want to surround ourselves with when we do venture out
Best wishes
Me & Mrs

Deleted member 4481

We all have issues I know, but knowing that doesn't make them any less relevant my body is scarred everywhere from various accidents operations etc (oh apart from my face and that's just ugly lol)

But the point is if other people have issues with you or your appearance then it's their problem not yours , they are missing the wonderful person inside xx
Never a truer word :) *smiling* what a lovely bunch you all are! Thanks for replying x

Deleted member 4481

I'm not entirely happy it confident with my body, i am getting better but still struggle to see myself as sexy most days.
Then you s
Mrs used to be a size 22.....
Depressed after a failed relationship, I met her by chance and it was her strength of character that attracted me. Just look at her now! Beauty comes from within. :sneaky:

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Hi guys - I didn't get to reply to this when you posted it but definitely had to come back and say, what an awesome pair you both are! Your wife looks AMAZING - you must be so proud and I hope she is too! Inspirational... Many happy times to come I'm sure xx