Sorry We've Not Been Around....

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VIP Member
5 April 2015
Just a quickie to apologise for our lack of presence since October/November. We fully support this site and openly promote it on our info telly in the club, hand out cards (we need more!) and tell all new members to join this site as opposed to others. So just because we are not as active on here as we were, we are still pushing like mad.

At the end of October, I had a pretty major surgery and it took me longer to recover, sapping me physically as well as emotionally, deeming me useless online...the cocks ups were pretty epic! lol Then my little nan was diagnosed with terminal cancer on 6th Dec. I was one of 3 people helping to care for her, me doing the nights shifts and sadly passed on 20th Dec; the funeral was on NYE!!! All this and a club to run, events to plan, accounts to do for the year end and oh yeh...a if!!!! lol

So I've not been hanging around for too long online. I've just been jumping on to do the necessary and not had any time to chat and chew the fat.

Anyway, I'm back on track now and getting back up to speed on everything. It looks like this site is quite rightly, doing very well and I am loving the buzz about the place.

You will see me a bit more now (not Jim coz he's shite online, he can just about log in without blowing his Ipad up!) and I will endeavour to make more of an active contribution to discussions.

Anyway, this turned out to be more than a quickie! Sorry about that and if you've read this far, well done!

Speak soon
Vicky - Townhouse xx


15 September 2014
Hope you are settling down in all aspects of life Vicky, I know it's been a tough few months.
And thank you for your support, it's highly appreciated as you know, it's support from clubs, friends, members that will help continue the growth of this site, and for all the right reasons too.

Thanks for letting us and everyone know you are still supportive of the site & our efforts, I appreciate that a lot and you certainly didn't need to explain anything to anyone.

We've been thinking of you and hope things are at least a little easier for you.
Thank you both xx


Oh dear, sounds like you've been through it a bit - sorry to hear that. I feel that life has a habit of happening just as you're engaged in other things which seem terribly important until they're superseded by life itself, and then perspective buts in.
I hope I have the chance to drop by at a do this year - fingers crossed.