Thank you
@MickeyBlueBalls if I offend anyone I apologise....So maybe
@Admin needs to lock this up and consign it to the bin .....
Hi all,
I am replying to clarify something..
@MP386 you do not need to apologise to anyone about expressing your feelings and concerns.
The reason I didn't want to lock and bin this thread is because, you have brought up an issue that has long been needed to be discussed.
Other members have also contributed to your points, either in disagreement or agreement. Some have simply acknowledged that this is a frustrating situation.
I wanted the thread to remain open, so as adults, people can chew the fat as it were, and discuss the situations regarding things such as - single gent restriction policies, how single guys can be generally treated at times by others, and how some can feel totally left out in the dark.
It's all these issues that I
firmly believe should be discussed, have a place on the site to be discussed and explored.
If people challenge other people's opinions, that's fine (as long as it doesn't break the rules or flame) and not a reason to close a thread.
As I pointed out in this thread, I
genuinely feel that some of this needs to be aired and openly discussed;
Saturday 29th April
Providing it can be discussed maturely, in an adult fashion..
Hopefully this can be discussed by people across the site, without it resorting to insults or derogatory comments, which is when it will be locked.
Thanks all and I hope this helps clarify why we feel it's not strictly necessary to close this (healthy) discussion at this stage.