Ss Seriously Super Sexy Slave Auction - Anyone Interested

  • Thread starter Sammy
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  • Tagged users None
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Hey ;)
So I would be right to assume that should a slave be won at auction. Which day that slave was to forfill their duty as an owned slave would be up for negotiation too?
So it could be say, for example like... at the VA festival of fun?...
:rofl: ermmm not up to me!
28 December 2016
The list of slaves will go out probably over weekend

Then bidders are given two weeks to message chat agree terms and conditions

The slave must agree to being on n what the slave must do n that will differ from bidder to bidder

As long as the slave n bidder agree well worlds yer oyster

Intriguing Idea. I shall see if I can come up with some ideas while we see who's to be on the list ;)
5 July 2016

Roll up roll up for all the fun of our first ever SS - Seriously Super Sexy Slave Auction Fundraiser - would you, no dare you join in ?

Are you game for a laugh, want a unique adventure ?

Does the thought of being a slave for a day turn you on !

All in the the best possible taste of course!!

Has a single or a couple tickled your fancy, does the thought of having a super fun day (or night) get your mind working overtime !

If so join in the fun n frolics

All funds raised would go to S S to help with running costs of site

Admin n Pearls have given their approval
Should members want it ? So it's over to you

Here's a tasty taster of how it would run

If you wish to be considered to be a slave please let us know, just pop your name in a pm to us !

Entries will close in 5 days and there is an entry fee of £5

The list of slaves will me made public after the 5 days

Interested parties will then be given two weeks to make contact with our slaves

We would totally encourage those who would like to bid on slaves to thoroughly discuss requirements, to chat , to get to know each other and decide terms and conditions of what the slave will be used for e.g. Doing dishes lol , vacuuming, photo session, social drink, out for a meal ! Etc etc (All arrangements made are between Bidder and Slave)

When a bidder and slave have agreed to all arrangements the bidder then registers to bid by PM and pays a £10 registration fee.

An official auction will be held in our luxuriously appointed Cockwell Inn chatroom and will be hosted the the lovely n sexy Mr Stokechoke

Only registered and approved bidders can bid on night !

On the evening each slave will be auctioned and only their agreed bidders may bid and I would imagine the bidding will be fast and furious.

All winning bidders must send payment that evening for slave, no payment no slave and they will be offered to the next highest bidder !

All arrangements after that are between the slave n bidder the site will bear no responsibility for any events once the auction is over!

Disclaimers will be required in order to protect the site from prosecution!

So come on you know you want to

The more the merrier let's have some fun and raise some much needed cash, as they say charity begins at home, well this is our home !

Everyone will be welcome on the night whether you are a slave, bidder or just a spectator come along n join the fun n banter of the evening

Be warned there will also be a raffle on the night lol !

Remember all monies raised go straight to SS


All enquiries to @Sammy @louise1970 @StokeChoke @Stew
Ooh I say. Don't know about us being slaves but we may be up for a bit of bidding. Consider us interested xxx :sneaky:
30 March 2017
High Wycombe
What have you two @Sammy @louise1970 roped me into now??:lol:

My mike and hammer are at the ready..;)

One biddy one biddy one biddy....... were all done........ Sold!!!!:rofl:


Flutter flutter flutter
Wiggle wiggle wiggle

Hell that will make ya run for hills .... oh I know

@louise1970 can you twist something for stoke .... his arm. Yes that's what it is

Twist his arm into bidding n slaving
Moir I would gladly make uses of @StokeChoke won't be a twist of the arm9:p


18 July 2015
Oh a huge thank to Miss @Tigress who has said she will be a willing Slave

Another great sport thank you
I think @billy55 would be a very good slave, dishes, hoovering, cooking tea, fetching the beers from the fridge.. What else was there now? Oh and all whilst wearing fishnet stockings :whistle:
25 July 2016
Ok folks, spoken to the better half and we are happy to be put forward as slaves.
Must be bloddy mad


How we getting on then? Does anyone know? :D
I maybe tempted? :whistle:
Can a slave also have a slave? :D
I thinkso.. :D