When You Know..

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19 March 2015
When you know;
It's just right. You just know, don't you...
But what makes it 'right' for you?
Okay yes, you could say just great conversation, great connection.. maybe aesthetics and someone's looking hot as hell.
But what are those signals you get from other peeps, what does it for you, when you just know it's right. ;) x
19 March 2015
I’m sorry. What is this concept of ‘knowing’? x
As in, when you just know that it's the right thing to do? When you know that - yeah we've got a connection here, he/she is interested, we're interested... and in the words of Marvin Gaye.. ;)

But yeah, some of us don't even see the wood from the trees. Just have to poke n prod until it's found I guess. :D
26 October 2018
There is an unmistakable look in the eye, a knowing smile , open body language , being tactile , innuendos abound , then the quiet where you just look at each other, slowly moving until lips touch ! The crackle of attraction and you know oh boy do you know xx
19 March 2015
innuendos abound
Never send any me.. :whistle:
There is an unmistakable look in the eye, a knowing smile , open body language , being tactile , innuendos abound , then the quiet where you just look at each other, slowly moving until lips touch ! The crackle of attraction and you know oh boy do you know xx
But yes, agreed. (y)

However, that's in the flesh. When it's online, you have to still find 'that' thing but in a different way.
It's about fun, connectivity, understanding that we're all on the same page, knowing that we're all different and have different boundaries.. but also about knowing you can be yourself/yourselves with that one or more person.
Trust, sussing someone out.. making sure that if invited to your home (which is really how we do things as it's more personal) we can make sure that we're absolutely doing the right thing for the lady involved (without question) and us too - after all, this is our marital family home..
That can be daunting for all involved!
To do that, takes immense trust and using gut instincts.

When you have that, then you know that it's all good and it's quite simply, just right. IMHO anyway.. :)
I've probably more to add but meh, am too verbose as is :rofl:


18 July 2015
I had a chat with the boss man last night, which I kind of think is on the threads lines.
So as a couple we meet ladies. For hubby I would say it’s easier for him to say “damn babe look at her” it’s a man thing :D 9 times out of 10 I say nah.
This is where putting into words get tricky, ok so as a lady and someone who fancies her hubby like mad, it’s hard to get that with the same sex as I don’t class myself with any label of sexuality I guess. I will get to the point:whistle:

When somebody pops by and I get that feeling of I like you then I like you and that’s it. It’s rare as it takes a lot for me to think like that. There are boxes I tick but most of all if I meet you, you will know that I like you. I class that as friend. This doesn’t happen very often and that’s down to trust after bad experiences but when it does I will have a new friend. As a couple we both swing on the same wave length and we usually have an amazing time. :love: X
30 March 2017
High Wycombe
For me it would be a combination of the way the other person/persons ;) are dressed, body language and that sexy glint in her eye;)

I like to think I’m fairly good at reading other people’s signals most of the time (y)

But as it’s already been said...... when you know you know ;)
And when you all know that energy that starts flowing around you all is unmistakable (y)
19 March 2015
I had a chat with the boss man last night, which I kind of think is on the threads lines.
So as a couple we meet ladies. For hubby I would say it’s easier for him to say “damn babe look at her” it’s a man thing :D 9 times out of 10 I say nah.
This is where putting into words get tricky, ok so as a lady and someone who fancies her hubby like mad, it’s hard to get that with the same sex as I don’t class myself with any label of sexuality I guess. I will get to the point:whistle:

When somebody pops by and I get that feeling of I like you then I like you and that’s it. It’s rare as it takes a lot for me to think like that. There are boxes I tick but most of all if I meet you, you will know that I like you. I class that as friend. This doesn’t happen very often and that’s down to trust after bad experiences but when it does I will have a new friend. As a couple we both swing on the same wave length and we usually have an amazing time. :love: X
Just running back through this and ... You know, that’s an excellent post and very much spot on, not only about us but how you tick too and how you know... xx