I'm Leo - Wild and inhibited! Think I can kiss in many ways as the situation demands lol xx
Well, I can never refuse a lady lol xxxOoooh i say. Care to demonstrate sir? Xxx
Im sure you will xxxSagittarius - surprising, spontaneous
Sounds about right, sure hope to surprise a few ladies
Hehe, hope to demonstrate some time xxx
Depends on when...and definetly where! Heartfelt has definetly been know though...
Oooooh hello you! XxxCapricorn...... I'll say no more
Oh Mr T come to scrunchy xxx
you can forget getting a cup of tea but your house be spotless
Hmm I'm Pisces and so is @Pearls and we're both kissers as described in the pic.. I kid you not..
Long, deep and passionate. x
I'd say knowing your personality, this fits the bill? xGemini : The Quirky Kisser
Gemini is the idiosyncratic zodiac sign in appreciation of their kissing style. They are loaded with astonishments. Thus, on the off chance that you are involved with a Gemini, then delight in every minute of it. They may stop to grin, make a witty perception or essentially admit their sentiments throughout a kiss.
Gemini’s kisses are blended with fits of snickers, grins and jaunty occasions.
Hahaha im wondering if this description is good or bad
Rawr! :whipping: xHubba hubba xxx
So it seems. Xsnickers so that be nuts too then xx
@Admin haha i guess so. XI'd say knowing your personality, this fits the bill? x
Rawr! :whipping: x