It's a hard knock life for us ...

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Being a swinger can make you feel like part of your life is hidden. Not many in the vanilla world will accept you with open arms if you told them of your lifestyle choice.
I had a lot of misconceptions before I started, and I think this is the same for a lot of people. I had resisted trying despite my husbands best attempts to reassure me because I thought it would be like going to one giant orgy where you would get jumped on as soon as you walked through the door, that it would be full of supermodels and as a woman who has had a baby I didn't think my body would pass the judgement I thought I would get.
I was so wrong, the lifestyle is full of normal every day people, who are just looking for a little excitement.
The term swinger is so broad and you can get involved in many different things, we have swinging couples, Hot Wives, BDSM and voyeurism to name a few. Everyone finds their own happy place and you get to live your wildest fantasies. You can escape to your own little world and be in a bubble of joy and happiness.
One thing I have found since joining is that people are funny old things, you go to a club and people stay in their own little groups and don't mix, talking to someone doesn't necessarily mean you have to run off to a room and have sex with them... unless you want to of course ☺️
There are couples who send endless friend requests and rarely even make it to a social event, single ladies are held in such high regard but I know of one or two that are just out to get as much as they can from the poor guys. And of course, we have my favourite, picture collectors with no intention of ever meeting for reasons various.
The reason I wrote this blog is because life can be tough for a lot of swingers, a lot of disappointment, being let down by people, wondering is this ever going to happen for me? What I wish for is that regardless of whether you agree with the persons little kinks, (I will include a foot note about this), whether you are physically attracted to them, if they are what you are looking for, not everyone is looking for a single man/lady to join them, we should support each other as in what other environment could you ever be this open? Chatting and being friendly is part of being a community, I have been very lucky, I have made some amazing friends. done some really crazy things.

To the people who who feel like swinging is a hard knock life, You Got A Friend In Me ❤️

Footnote - I have heard so many stories about things people have been asked for I think I need to start a thread.


Nicely put, yes we exist in a twilight zone kinky kind of world, but that doesn’t make us bad people! It’s sites like this that bind our amazing community together, so whether you are a voyeur watching from the sidelines or an “enthusiastic” member of the community, just keep contributing to our growth and success!
And remember “ Your kink may not be my kink, but I respect your kink” be nice to everyone you chat to ! 💙
Nicely put, yes we exist in a twilight zone kinky kind of world, but that doesn’t make us bad people! It’s sites like this that bind our amazing community together, so whether you are a voyeur watching from the sidelines or an “enthusiastic” member of the community, just keep contributing to our growth and success!
And remember “ Your kink may not be my kink, but I respect your kink” be nice to everyone you chat to ! 💙
Very true Stew this is a great community ❤️
When we first got into swinging, we knew very little about it, and thought it would be the way to explore our fantasies.
Whilst that was true, and we did indeed satisfy many a curiosity, what really hooked us was the social side. We've made lifelong friends, we've been to stag do's, weddings, and unfortunately a couple of funerals too.
For us, having this "secret life" that our nearest and dearest, family, friends and neighbours know nothing about, is fun, the looks between ourselves when people ask us where we were off to when they saw us heading out with our suitcases for a weekend away, or when someone noticed us rolling in from yet another VERY late night out (probably at a swingers club or party).
When we first got into swinging, we knew very little about it, and thought it would be the way to explore our fantasies.
Whilst that was true, and we did indeed satisfy many a curiosity, what really hooked us was the social side. We've made lifelong friends, we've been to stag do's, weddings, and unfortunately a couple of funerals too.
For us, having this "secret life" that our nearest and dearest, family, friends and neighbours know nothing about, is fun, the looks between ourselves when people ask us where we were off to when they saw us heading out with our suitcases for a weekend away, or when someone noticed us rolling in from yet another VERY late night out (probably at a swingers club or party).
It’s true, you do make very good friends as you can be completely yourself without judgement.
I find a long coat very helpful for avoiding strange looks 😂
For me, being in this lifestyle is extremely different now to when it started. Having the freedom to be my true self, and not hide anything has meant I am in a much better place mentally, I haven’t pushed the self destruct button for a long time.
As I single fella I find it hard to make friends in the lifestyle, all the wham bam thank you man is fine, but now and then I would like to sit and chat about the state of the world we live in, them crazy American politicians, music I love and whatever else comes as the conversation flows. I don’t really want to be that gigolo then tossed to the side like a dirty cum sock 😂

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