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The Smooth Ride…

Okay I’m using cliches but who cares. Really. ?

So okay that was the bumpy ride. As I said in that, it’s not all bad at all. In fact the best and more fun things, far outweigh that.

Some of the best things ever to have come from this - definitely meeting new people. Friends we’ve just never met yet.

I think one particular highlight had to be when a member from Egypt no less, wanted to attend the Birthday Bash. He literally came over here, for a weekend for the bash. All the way from Egypt. Kudos.

Seeing people who are genuinely shy, slowly come out of their shells and just allow themselves to naturally be relaxed.

The clubs, parties and events we’ve been to. Some have been let-downs for various reasons but overall, the majority of events have been absolutely brilliant. Really good fun ?

When events are organised and you have a mass gathering of like-minded peeps, all just wanting to meet up and do their thing, on the back of the site is amazing.

When people are actively engaging on the site and really making themselves at home, then for us? That’s what is so good about this.
We want people to be safe and just be themselves. No matter what you’re into from all of this - as long as you’re safe, you’re happy, trouble and care free: then we’re happy.

Administration and mods. We’re lucky to have an amazing team who help out here. Some you see, some you don’t. ??

Doesn’t matter whether you do or not though, they all have their roles and it’s fair to say that very few know what it is exactly they all do.
What I can say is that they’re more important than most realise.

As for personal positive notes? Well yes there’s been a few personal highs. Of course there have been.
We’ve had fun at clubs, one weekend where I slept about a total of six hours from Friday to Sunday night. That was great!
To the time HRH was enjoying a foam party… ?
To the time on one party I got rather inebriated and told the guv of the club, how much I loved him. ?
If you read this? You know who you are. ??

Then the positive vibes of when peeps are here, getting stuck in, enjoying the site, the people, the atmosphere and really making it the maximum enjoyment that they possibly can.
That really is a proper feel good high for us.
After all, that’s why we’re here.

Be boring otherwise, wouldn’t it? ?? x
About author
Lips & Pearls. Just ordinary people, in a fun and entertaining lifestyle choice of Swinging.


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