“i Got It Wrong!”

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10 July 2018
Elsewhere on the forums, there are threads on ‘what did you think you’d not like but then did?’, ‘what don’t you know but you think everyone else does?’ and even ‘what do other people get wrong about swinging…?’

Here’s a safe space for you to basically say “oh hell, was I stoopid!”

What have you got wrong? Could be related to swinging or not? Could be family related, or club related, or sex related.

So… What have you got wrong?


I’ll start off with three:

1) Embarrassing one for a writer to admit: I had a word’s definition wrong for years. Seriously, was hugely embarrassed, and a little panicky, that I might have used the word incorrectly in print; fortunately not.

The word? defenestrate. For years, I thought it was a synonym for ‘eviscerate’, for ripping apart. Erm, no. I got it wrong. Comes from the French… for window. It’s the act of throwing someone out of a window.

2) Threesomes: genuinely couldn’t see the point of them unless at least the two participants of the same sex were bi. I was… educated to the contrary by a couple, both of whom were straight, and well, yes. I got it wrong. I’ve no doubt that having bi as part of it can add to the experience, but ‘all straight’ can still have a great time.

3) I never foresaw the social side of swinging when I started. Thought that the social aspect of when I started was an anomaly, not how it should be. Boy, I got it wrong there!

Now it’s your turn.