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6 Ways To Keep The Vagina Youthful

23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
As we know the average age of those enjoying the lifestyle choice of swinging is a lot higher than the early years so as we get older we find our bodies are not exactly like they use to be...saw this article in my daily reading news and thought it may be of interest. I must point out I really really really :threesum: promote number 1 in the list of what to do...
The vagina and vulva of a young healthy adult has a different appearance (as well as functional ability) than that of a female after menopause. After menopause—with its dramatic reduction in estrogen production—the female genital tissues no longer have the availability of the hormone that keeps the genital tissues vital. Age-related changes of the vulva and vagina occur on the basis of the ravages of time and lack of estrogen-stimulation following menopause. The vagina becomes thinner, dryer, and less elastic with diminished length and width, lubrication potential and expansive ability. This can give rise to symptoms including vaginal dryness, irritation, burning with urination and pain and bleeding with sexual intercourse. All in all this adds up to diminished quality of life.

Menopause is a significant risk factor for the occurrence of anatomical and functional changes that result from reduced levels of the female hormone estrogen. The vestibule (plate of tissue upon which open the vagina and urethra), vagina, urethra and base of the urinary bladder have abundant estrogen receptors that are no longer stimulated, resulting in diminished tissue elasticity and integrity. The labia become less robust, the vaginal opening retracts and the vaginal walls thin and lose the “tread”(rugae) that is typical of youth. The skin of the vulva becomes paler, thinner and more fragile. Because of this array of changes, the aging vagina can have difficulty lubricating and in accommodating a penis, resulting in painful sexual intercourse, a situation that affects more than two-thirds of post-menopausal women.

Often accompanying the physical changes of menopause are diminished sexual desire, arousal and ability to achieve orgasm. Pain, burning, itching and irritation of the vulva and vagina—particularly after sexual intercourse—are common. Urinary changes include burning with urination, frequency and urgency and recurrent urinary infections. Prior to menopause, healthy bacteria reside in the vagina. After menopause, this vaginal bacterial ecosystem changes, which can predispose one to urinary tract infections.

Considering that nature’s ultimate “purpose” of sex is for reproduction, perhaps it is not surprising that when the body is no longer capable of producing offspring, changes occur that affect the anatomy and function of the sexual apparatus.

The aging vagina was at one time referred to with disparaging terms including “atrophic vaginitis,” “vulvar and vaginal atrophy,” and “senile atrophy.” There are many such hurtful and cruel labels for female issues, including “frigid” for women who have difficulty in achieving sexual climax as opposed to the clinical term “anorgasmic.” A much kinder, although technical term for the aging vagina is “genitourinary syndrome of menopause” (GSM).

6 Ways To Keep Your Vagina Youthful:

  1. Stay Sexually Active Regular sexual activity is vital for maintaining the ability to have ongoing satisfactory sexual intercourse. Vaginal penetration increases pelvic and vaginal blood flow, which optimizes lubrication and elasticity. Orgasms tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support vaginal function. “Use it or lose it” is the rule. Be sure to use plenty of lubrication if vaginal dryness is an issue.
  1. Pelvic Floor Exercises Pelvic floor muscles play a vital role with respect to sexual, urinary and bowel function as well as the support of the pelvic organs. Numerous scientific studies have documented the benefits of pelvic exercises (Kegels) to help maintain pelvic blood flow, sexual function, pelvic support and urinary/bowel control. The pelvic floor muscles play a vital role with respect to all aspects of sexual function, including arousal, lubrication, clitoral and vulvar engorgement and sexual climax.
  1. Consider Topical Estrogen Replacement This is a means of achieving the advantages that estrogen provides to the genital issues using a cream formulation that is applied locally. There is minimal absorption and it therefore avoids the vast majority of adverse effects that can occur from oral hormone replacement therapy. A small dab of Premarin or Estrace cream placed in the vagina three or four nights per week prior to sleep can restore vaginal suppleness and increase tissue integrity. This will help improve lubrication, pain with intercourse, urinary control issues and can help prevent urinary infections.
  1. See Your Gynecologist You bring your car in for annual preventive maintenance to a mechanic, so do the same for your lady parts.! Your gynecologist is on your team with a goal of keeping you and your vagina healthy. Gynecologists have some new tools at their disposal to combat GSM, including lasers that can be applied to the vestibule for purposes of skin resurfacing and restoration.
  1. Healthy Lifestyle It is desirable to keep every cell and tissue in your body healthy via intelligent lifestyle choices. These include: smart eating habits; maintaining a healthy weight; engaging in exercise; obtaining adequate sleep; consuming alcohol in moderation; avoiding tobacco; and stress reduction.
  1. Avoid Excessive Time In The Saddle Bicycle riding, as well as any other activity that places prolonged pressure on the “saddle” of the body (including motorcycle, moped, and horseback riding), are potential causes of impaired genital function. Although this is rarely a problem for the casual or recreational cyclist, it can be a real issue for women who spend many hours weekly in the saddle. When cycling, intense pressure is applied to the perineum (area between vulva and anus), the area of the body that can be considered to be “the heart” of the blood and nerve supply to the vagina and pelvic floor muscles.
Bottom Line: All things eventually get old, including vaginas and vulvas. We are not in control of the aging process and sooner or later Father Time reigns supreme. However, by adhering to some commonsense advice you can maintain vaginal youth and vitality for many years.

Wishing you the best of health,
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
& what about men...?? Think they get old too..
I will post an article for guys on "re-booting their penises" soon but it can mean no orgasms for minimum 30 days and up to 90 days. Rebooting the penis is a great way to start getting more enjoyment from sex
Your daily source of info is clearly different to mine
Seek and you shall find


15 September 2014
I will post an article for guys on "re-booting their penises" soon but it can mean no orgasms for minimum 30 days and up to 90 days. Rebooting the penis is a great way to start getting more enjoyment from sex

Seek and you shall find
Wow.. similar to edging?
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
Hi Admin, no edging is preventing ejaculation but it is said that the orgasm can still take place when edging. Articles I have read say that orgasm and ejaculation are 2 seperate actions. Re-booting the penis is a method to address a desensitized penis that can result in loss of sensitivity and even ED. It is often caused from to much sex, masturbation and pornography resulting in progressively lesser and lesser satisfaction. Re-booting allows the brain to rewire itself in the pleasure area of sex.

The wife and I generally engage every 2nd day, and in the odd days in between as well. They say a male can't get enough but in reality he can get too much so rebooting can bring back the spice again like getting back to waking up erect, getting an erection by just looking at the misses or another girl etc.

Read more as an example here:
**The Basics Of Rebooting**
Reactions: Pearls


15 September 2014
Yes am aware of edging but not this. Hmm okay so it's more related to disconnecting from porn and the such to reignite natural, carnal instincts.
Very informative!
Reactions: Pearls


I will post an article for guys on "re-booting their penises" soon but it can mean no orgasms for minimum 30 days and up to 90 days.

30-90 days without cumming? That isn't possible, never and really I mean never, happened to me (G) anyway!
Reactions: Jimmy_Mack


I will post an article for guys on "re-booting their penises" soon but it can mean no orgasms for minimum 30 days and up to 90 days. Rebooting the penis is a great way to start getting more enjoyment from sex

Seek and you shall find
well im on day 21 so well on my way


just looking at no 1 my wifes vagina is well on the way to the knackers yard, she/we dont use it
Reactions: Admin
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
Well with the wife starting her cycle last Monday I thought this may be a good opportunity to give rebooting a try for 5 weeks. Remember the wife and I would engage in each other's pleasure about every 2nd day which is great but in reading many different articles there seems to be no common ground on the number of times a week is best in a happy relationship...some say twice a week and yet some say keep him happy every day...I suppose it depends on the person.

Anyway it's day 5 and one thing I have noticed is not one erection in those 5 days. By now the wife would have been "Downunder" at least once but more likely twice so this is new ground. In Chinese Medicine they would say the cause of erection issues comes from the Liver and yes I have my 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day, a scotch at night, I don't smoke but I do have nicotine lozengers which is a result of when I did smoke. However there should be, at least, physical causes for an erection still in place like waking up with a full bladder.

The wife says that mentally I seem more happier and joke with the kids more and that is only after 5 days. Let's see what life is like after 10 days
Reactions: Pearls


30-90 days without cumming? That isn't possible, never and really I mean never, happened to me (G) anyway!
the thirty days is easy nearly at 40, will be interesting how far i can go. Will only break it if the wife intervenes, but not holding my breath on that happening
Reactions: Admin
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