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Are Swingers Freaky Or Deviants??

  • Thread starter louise1970
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Some may think it all about orgies and getting or having as much sex as they can for some it is.But it's not the case I have found at all.Wether you play or don't it's about meeting like minded people who enjoy not only been comfortable in taking part in their fantasies it about the Social aspect meeting and making friends and it takes you away from the your day to day live your time I guess.xx
30 October 2015
The items are completely separate
You can be freaky and/or deviant without being a swinger and it also depends on peoples views at what is deviant
Some regard BDSM as freaky or deviant and whilst I'm not interested I think as long as it's consensual each to there own. Then you have some things that are questionable
So if people want to swing thats fine and as you say its not about orgies or having as many partners as possible (you could do that without being a swinger but by picking up one night stands on a weekend)
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