So, decided to tidy up the diary, and put our next few months shifts in, prompted by an invite to a site social, which we cant make...gutted.
For me its easy, I usually have weekends off, although now and then I do some overtime if the bank balance needs a boost. I also have a random day off every second week.
Jayne has every other weekend off, and only works two days (well, nights) in the week when she's not doing the weekend, if that makes sense.
However, when I plotted this into the diary, I found we have just ONE weekday between now and year end that we are off together, and 6 weekends!
When did life get so bloody complicated lol?
For me its easy, I usually have weekends off, although now and then I do some overtime if the bank balance needs a boost. I also have a random day off every second week.
Jayne has every other weekend off, and only works two days (well, nights) in the week when she's not doing the weekend, if that makes sense.
However, when I plotted this into the diary, I found we have just ONE weekday between now and year end that we are off together, and 6 weekends!
When did life get so bloody complicated lol?