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Call it?

19 March 2015
Would you? Would you call out anything aimed towards another member, would you call it out? Would you stand up and say = "nah that's not right..you are wrong".
Could be someone being nasty in an attacking way, dissing an event perhaps, making fun of them for lack of correct English & grammar maybe..
Maybe it's down to ostracising someone, or perhaps flatly name calling.
Would you stand up to them and would you call it out?
Not giving a monkeys what other people think either.... x

Deleted member 10361

Yes, but not a grammar type thing. I cannot abide bad manners, no need for it. We had a member yonks ago (before I closed acc, then re-joined) who I felt made jibs/digs at quite a few members, I couldn’t work out if she meant it or thought she was being funny I never commented just started to not log in as often as it made me feel really uncomfortable, even though it was never aimed at me. When I re-joined I was relieved to see they were no longer members x

Deleted member 16044

That sounds all very childish to me.
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


Very much depends, if someone was getting some not so nice attention because their behaviour had brought it upon them I would probably let people get on with it, we're all supposed to be adults here, people sometimes don't get on, the difficulty is I don't know what's been said in other threads, chats, private. If I knew the whole story and thought someone was being unfair to someone I'd have a word but probably in private
24 November 2015
I have called people out on here in the past and if the situation arose again i would do so again not everyone gets along but there is no need to bully or belittle other members when all you have to go on is the way they type a response in a thread or on a post .
If its someone youve met then keep it private ,no need to let the entire site become enbroiled in your difference of opinions .
It can make other members feel uncomfortable and in turn they take a step back from the site

Deleted member 16044

That sounds all very childish to me.
I remember some time ago this
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.
Life is for living and loving and being kind to one another.
I was always bullied, names called at me, attacked by other girls and schools did nothing they still don't because a friend of mine her child was recently bullied.
If I was being sexually harassed at work then yes I would speak out. Or, making me feel low because of bullying in the work place.. Hence I walk away and ignore. Might have lost my job but not my pride. Bullies are all over the place. Ignorance sometimes is better than cause.
Reactions: Lips_Pearls

Deleted member 11852

If you see something that’s just rude or abusive then yes you should say something after all we are friends on here first and foremost and we should have each other’s backs..I’m pleased to say everyone on here has got your backs and it very reassuring to know..like @Tiger said each situation is different and if someone has brought it on themselves then it’s there own fault..if there’s no justification for someone’s actions then yes we should all say something....W..
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