Club Visits - What To Wear?

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I see "smart or sexy" listed as the dress code for places, but as I have a huge aversion to wearing anything resembling a suit (I feel very uncomfortable in them, as they're just not my bag) my question is:

What the hell counts as a sexy dress code for blokes? When I was at my skinniest my pulling clothes consisted of a fishnet top and PVC trousers or skirt and frankly I'm not sure I could pull either off now even if I owned any PVC... (although they worked wonders when I was a skinny long haired goth boy)


Must admit mr F usually wears, smart t-shirt and jeans.. so im assuming they mean pants, smart t-shit/polo or shirt..
a suit and tie i would say.. is definately not compulsary.

And sexy for a guy.. erm boxers, shorts.. designer towel?

Have you been to a club before??
If not have a look here.. if you have ill shut my mush lol xxx First club visit? Are you unsure? What to expect.
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15 September 2014
This is a good question.
@meet_the_fockers wrote quite a good thread as linked above... That may help.

From a man's point of view, for something like the VA - perfect example, smart casual means just that.
A smart shirt, nice trousers and shoes.. Or smart jeans not ripped or dirty.
Absolutely no no to trainers! Just imagine back in the day when you'd go to a casino or 'that' club which wouldn't allow you in with trainers and or jeans..

So smart, suave, sexy and very well presented.
Some clubs don't give a monkeys and will allow you in whatever you are wearing or looking like. Whilst others prefer people to appear smart and well presented.

Depends entirely on the club..
Overall - shoes, smart trousers and a smart shirt - you won't go wrong.
Dress down, definitely a decent set of boxers or even a smart set of swimming shorts and a nice towel. :)

Women? Anything at all as long as it's sexy. :D


Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
No one gets turned away at The Vanilla Alternative but visitors do like to make an effort to look nice. For everyone, it's important that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing (even if it's not going to stay on for too long!). On club nights we see everything from designer wear, latex or PVC clothes, skimpy sexy ladies outfits and smart casual wear for guys and ladies too. No one judges but everyone appreciates when people have made an effort to look good.


Just imagine back in the day when you'd go to a casino or 'that' club which wouldn't allow you in with trainers and or jeans..
Sounds exactly like the places I would have avoided like the plague :rofl: although in my case it would have been combat and doc martens rather than jeans and trainers :lol:
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