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Cock Issue...



About six months ago Mr W had a problem.. his cock went red itchy and flakey his fore skin was really tight but his ball was hard and clammy... 1st thing we did was go get checked out 4 weeks early, we both got the all clear. So we went to doctors who said it was thrush and we was both given caniston duo. But that made it worse. I didn't have any problems at all. Went back to the doctors and he was given allergy tablets and anti-biotics. But still no improvement after another 2 weeks went doctors again and they took scrapping of the dry skin to send off for tests. While we waited for the results it seemed to have cleared up on its own.... test results came back clear...
All was well until the other day and it's started again. No one seems to have any idea what it is...
Reactions: Pearls


15 September 2014
Hope it's nothing too serious. Am sure if it will clear with the right treatment(s) etc.


Hope it's nothing too serious. Am sure if it will clear with the right treatment(s) etc.

I've been doing some research on Google and it sounds and looks like jock itch. It's just a case of finding the right creams that will sort it x
Reactions: Admin
14 April 2016
Have you bought anything new that might have triggered it?

Eg washing powder, bed sheets, underwear, toys (for him), new lube?

Not sure what creams your using either but my experience of creams is that they're loaded with chemicals. My preference is coconut oil mixed with a drop of neem oil. Both have natural antibacterial properties and are kinder to the skin


25 July 2016
Could it be the undies your wearing they may be a little tight or if they have a button fly it may come open and you might be rubbing on your jeans a little
Reactions: Pearls


Maybe your allergic to each others bodily fluids. ...now dont laugh but my ex husbands cum used to bring me out in a rash. Every single time...no wonder i divorced him lol. But joking apart i hope its nothing serious and it settles down. Xxx
Reactions: Pearls
15 August 2015
Maybe it's a allergic reaction to something, these things can develop on their own sometimes. I'm sure it will pass in good time so don't be too concerned. The body is good at fighting things off.
Reactions: Pearls
26 July 2016
Bit left of field this but have you tried drinking more fluids as de hydration can cause things like this and won't show on other parts of your body
Reactions: Pearls
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