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18 July 2015
Excellent question depends on the moods Elvis for a sing song after dinner, Marilyn Monroe for well the "fun " element, mark twain for sparkling conversation, and so many others ! X
You are only allowed one :whiplash:
26 July 2016
My Grandad so I could show him what his wife did with his millions after he died.
That should keep him spinning for a few hundred years.

Deleted member 2978

John F. Kennedy, to show them where the world has gone and ask what they would do to straighten things out. I mean look the US has a racist, (insert other descriptive adjectives that he exposes as his policy) millionaire megalomaniac running for president and the Labour party has a socialist peacenik as it leader.... how much worse can it get...oh yeah Putin is rebuilding the pre-end of cold war USSR thru armed subversion of countries like Turkey, Ukraine and Syria, and we have a total lunatic running North Korea who now supposedly has successfully built advance thermonuclear bombs and a missile to deliver said bombs to the UK, Europe, and the US. JFK would be shocked (not to mention what his brother Ted did)!


3 February 2016
Aryton Senna, he is a man that fascinates me not just because of his increadible racing skills (it takes a lot to be regarded as the great F1 driver of all time), or the events that surround his tragic death (secretly he had hidden an Austrian flag in his cock pit which he was planning on unfurling at the end of the race in remembrance of fellow F1 driver Roland ratzenberger who had died the day before), but because of who he used his wealth to help others over his life he gave a truly eye watering sum to Brazil's poor.

That and that race in imola is a strong memory from my childhood.
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Deleted member 4901

Audrey Hepburn.
Friday Khalo.
Jack Keruac.
Orson Welles.
Kenny Everett.

It would be the most entertaining conversation ever and I'd fantasise about the pairings and action afterwards.

Khalo because she would drink and smoke cigars and Hepburn would be so keen to match her.

Keruac and Welles would argue politely in a massive display of wits. Everett because I just want to cuddle up and giggle with him and I think he'd just get everyone doing mad stuff. Carefree wild let loose in the moment stuff.
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9 November 2015
One ... so many to choose from ...Kurt Cobain could be an interesting conversation