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Erotic Books.



Hi all. We both read all the time. Mrs has read all the grey books now she would like to find more erotic titles. Me mr would like to. Buy her some for Christmas. This is where I need your help can you come up with some good erotic titles to get her hot lol. Davange xx
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R likes the 'Best of Women's Erotica' series, short very sexy stories, has a few of the books. We both used the original 'The Joy of Sex' when we were experimenting with early sex-partners, and when we started swinging we found 'Sexcitement' by Lynn Paul Russell (published by the Erotic Print Society) useful, it covers just about every sexual practice and has great very explicit illustrations, but artistic rather than pornographic. Just had a look at our copy and I've written in it "to Rosemary to celebrate our first orgy together, in La Chambre, 9 April 2005" (not our first swap, our first real large group orgy). Looks like you can download it from Sexcitement

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Emmanuelle by Emmanuelle Arsan is a very sexy book, quite thought-provoking in places. Delta of Venus by Anais Nin is good too, but a little.. er, difficult in places.
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Manda Scott's books (her Boudicca series, etc) are not specifically erotic but always have great lesbian scenes.
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