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Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
Q.How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A.None.It's not the lightbulb that needs changing.
Anyway.....what's everyones thoughts? Can gender equality really be achieved in the modern day? Do you want it to be? When does it go too far? Do you believe that by bashing one gender to promote your own ,goes against the actual goal?.
You all asked for it ? xxEMxx
19 March 2015
Oooh well done. X

Yay Thanks <3 <3 now @Lips_Pearls ???
Why me!? ?
I have a draft sat.... ?
19 March 2015
My take on it; women are being silenced. They’re being deplatformed and their gender identity is being scrapped.
Why? How?
Well, in this day and age where there are now 64 “genders” any woman who believes self identity and women’s equality, is now classed as TERF or CIS women transphobe.

To this extent, women’s safe spaces are being exposed as a result, let alone sports and equality.
Women have long fought for equality are now losing it.
They’re also partly responsible for it too, for campaigning so hard for equality and equal rights - as are their male counterparts.

So now we have 6’5” rugby players who were born male, now identifying as female, playing against women. Sexist? Transphobic?
We now have men, saying they’re women, in athletics. Cricket. Sports..even prisons!

How can this be equality when it’s clear women are now losing this battle? Women are the ones being cancelled and losing their voices.
You only need to read about how the women’s campaign group “fair play for women” is struggling with, to see what they’re up against.
JK Rowling. She’s a women’s rights campaigner yet is slammed online as being a Transphobe. Even Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson slagged her off.
But isn’t she right to do so? Isn’t she right for standing up for equality?

But then from being conservatively wanting to stand up for rights, to feminist extremism, we’re poles apart.
The new age feminism can be dangerous to others. I mean the ones who run amok, naked with slogans on their breasts. Those are the extreme side of feminism and feminists

Look at the Tampax ad and thread from the other day? Only women have a cervix. Yet they’re being silenced and ignored. “People who bleed”
You mean for women. I’m drifting.
Just let women be women. They’ve fought long and hard for equality and now are being trampled on.
But the equality campaigners from both are also complicit in this too, because they’ve taken it too far.
It’s gone from equality to extremism.


9 November 2015
So i've been called scared because I didn't do the thread and now no one is commenting? ? I hope someone has an opinion, because if i'm going down,i'm taking atleast one man with me x
Calm down dear it’s only a commercial
What was the thread about those who should be seen and not heard
Will things ever be truly equal ?‍?‍ no idea .... waits for incoming ? ? ??????⛏............
Reactions: Guru G and Pearls
19 March 2015
To be fair and honestly, I don’t know enough on it and I’m happy scrubbing my pots, cooking and doing as I’m told
Good. That’s your job to! ?xx ?

So here’s a good example of third wave/new age feminism which sees anything as sexist, including air conditioning...?


I am Batman ?
28 March 2016
I respect strong independent women, who will fight for their rights to be heard as a human.I just have a hard time understanding the more extreme group that expects too much power,that it wouldn't be considered "equal" at the end of the battle x
the sad thing about most things is the extremists become the public image at the end of the day

Edit a strong independent woman is the best kind too <3 soo sexy
Reactions: Therapon



Quiz Queen 2020
18 September 2020
Nope! Stopped watching after 30 seconds.I can't do it ? That is the sort of thing I mean.It's making women as a collective, look a joke x
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