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Friday Night Games 2018


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
So OK sexy ladies and gents new games thread for the new year. Here I will post the game for Fridays and who's hosting So this week who fancies @Baldricknkaz idea of pictionary, I will host it as Balders has trouble hosting on the tablet.


Deleted member 1030

So OK sexy ladies and gents new games thread for the new year. Here I will post the game for Fridays and who's hosting So this week who fancies @Baldricknkaz idea of pictionary, I will host it as Balders has trouble hosting on the tablet.

I shall be there!


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Sorry everyone i forgot this weeks game been busy, yep too busy gaming my fault oops. So is anyone up for pictionary Friday night at 9pm ish

Reactions: Therapon


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
I have figured if @meandlis can do a right up for the Thursday nights quiz I can do one for the Friday night games. No promises it will be anywhere as good but I will give it a good go

Reactions: Deleted member 6485


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Thanks everyone for making it such a good night and making it all so worth while it was a lot of fun and a game we can certainly do again. Now just doing a write up so watch this space lol and thank you again

Reactions: Deleted member 1030


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Ok first ever write up no promises it's any good but here's what i came up with

It’s another Friday night in the Cockwell Inn for tonight’s game of Pictionary.

With hello’s getting underway and drinks being served leaving a rather stumped @emyr wanting a cola at a all alcohol bar and Balders from @Baldricknkaz wanting a brew to sit in the all new bars bathtub to get the pink and wrinkly look.

After a shaky start with @Jessica_Rabbit and @80sbabe confusion as to where the drawing pads and crayons were located, and @Pearls making a quick wave with a brb I have to cook sausages to a shocked room of people knowing of her cooking skills and shouting for god sake love don’t set the kitchen on fire.

Tonight’s topic was films with hosts @Vanezza starting off the round with One flew over the cuckoos nest which was quickly answered by Balders. His drawing then was quickly answered by @Vanezza with Jaws. @Widel0ad1919 piped up with it’s the Balders and the Vanezza show. That was not to be and the evening kept going strong pictures of films flying out and @Cunnil doing a great Bladerunner for his first night in the Cockwell Inn and later providing some more picture art for us folk to guess. @80sbabe came out with 666 for The Omen, @debE did a good picture of snakes on a plane followed by @Jessica_Rabbit picture of an arrow through what everyone thought could have been a heart but also the world, so the dury is still out on that one. Mid way a late entrance from @MP386 who already was a pint of beer ahead. @Lebexsex who took over from @80sbabe who by this time couldn’t focus anymore after too many G&T’s, and Neil was trying to throw everyone off the scent by loading pictures of ladies bum’s n boobs with lots of ooooofs being said and a ooolala from Vanessa. After two hours and everyone a bit worse for wear and still no @Pearls but no fire brigade either much to everyone’s relief we all said our good nights. But what a night it was too until next week that is.


Deleted member 6485

That is epic...well done on nailing your first summary xx
Reactions: Vanezza


9 November 2015
I was using the app on my phone which had a tendency to lock up and need refreshing every time I try to post which becomes slightly frustrating and after a few beers i couldn’t be bothered faffing about .... but what I did see looked fun even if some of the pictures confused the hell out of me.... which isn’t difficult...


Was a lot of fun... I'm sure my drawing thingy wasn't working properly I know I can't draw or anything but it was so annoying! But good banter and a good night thank you all xxx
Reactions: Pearls
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