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When I got married to my first wife, she was always complaining that I took too long to cum. Some times she would get on her hands and knees and read a book while I was shafting her. Another time I heard her quietly snoring, she was actually asleep.


Ommm is this where i keep shtum..
Or.. let it all just fall out of my mouth hmm erm.. maybe tomorrow.


in my younger days i used to date a lass who had one or two cats (sure she will be a cat lady now) after a rather vigorous sweaty night of passion i was about to climax in missionary position when i felt the rather rough tongue of her favorite cat lick right up the crack of my sweaty arse. as I moved rather quickly and shouted 'what the fuck!' the cat got startled resulting in claws out and sunk into my right buttock. needless to say, after that the door was always firmly shut and the room swept for viscous wee furry bastards.xx
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26 July 2016
OK here goes. I had just come out of my marriage and thought right let's sow some wild oats. First night out and i pull and end up back at this girls house we are in bed and I am going at it big time but getting no reaction at all so eventually I gave up and headed off a broken young man who thought those years of marriage had rendered him shit in bed. The following weekend found me having a pint with a few mates when in walks another mate who says very loudly hey Steve I bumped into that bird you was with last weekend. My heart sank big time. What had she said. Then he went on how was it for you he said laughing with everyone now listening. Before I could say anything he said I shagged her last night and I had to stop and check she was alive she was so still and silent. Trust me I was so happy to hear that it made my month never mind my week.
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