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Hello You Lovely Lot



Just thought I'd say hi, usually just hide out in the back ground somewhere as not much of an extrovert unless provoked.

Life's pretty busy at the moment so will probably just hang around for a while and see what happens...

hey hey welcome to the mad house

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Oh I'm more than sure you'll be provoked lol
4 July 2017
Just thought I'd say hi, usually just hide out in the back ground somewhere as not much of an extrovert unless provoked.

Life's pretty busy at the moment so will probably just hang around for a while and see what happens...

Hello there! Oh let's see if we can provoke you! xx


Just thought I'd say hi, usually just hide out in the back ground somewhere as not much of an extrovert unless provoked.

Life's pretty busy at the moment so will probably just hang around for a while and see what happens...
Hi hun and welcome
Reactions: Therapon
27 April 2015
Just thought I'd say hi, usually just hide out in the back ground somewhere as not much of an extrovert unless provoked.

Life's pretty busy at the moment so will probably just hang around for a while and see what happens...
Hi again, and you must do what you feel comfy with, however, once your in these forums, they are pretty addictive, and before you know it, you will be needing more hours in the day to do everything Lol.
Have fun in here when the chance arises, you wont regret it xx @The-A-Team
Reactions: Arb and Therapon
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