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Hi Everyone

  • Thread starter denvermike
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I like the zoo in denver as it goes
You literally are in the mile high club without leaving the ground...
Love breckenridge more.
I am a double diamond girl.
Night x
Oh oh oh then we have things in common. Only 1.5 hours from there but I know better places. More intimate places too. We will go skiing tomorrow ok
Reactions: Pearls and Admin


I guess its early morning over there across the pond. 6:15pm here. Dinner time. I've learned alot today and sorry if it was amateurish of me to post my cock too. Sorry no offense. Sweet dreams everyone!
Reactions: Pearls and Admin


15 September 2014
I guess its early morning over there across the pond. 6:15pm here. Dinner time. I've learned alot today and sorry if it was amateurish of me to post my cock too. Sorry no offense. Sweet dreams everyone!
You've been patient and a laugh indeed Goodnight and have an amazing evening
Best wishes
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