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Homewards travels

14 December 2021
A beautiful summers day in the Scottish borders, my family can trace its heritage here for hundreds of years, we actually have a castle in our name although it have been bought and sold so many times. Each new owner taking the family name along with the land, but the true family can trace their foot steps in the past in smaller ways.
I explain this to my new wife as we walk through the hills and valleys of my home land.
I have been living in the city for the passed 17 years and not visited home very often. But after my recent marriage to Kate and subsequently her meeting my fiends and family I thought it would be good to let her see my roots.
Everyone told me I was punching above my weight with jar and it was true. Shoulder length brown hair, 36D chest, small tummy which I love and she hates, full hips and an amazing round ass. Just the most amazing curvaceous figure and her face! Oh my god! Soft checks, small perfect nose, beautiful big brown eyes (which darken when she is in full submissive mode) and her lips! So soft and naturally plump. So yes, this rough round the edges Scottish man was punching well above his weight with this Spanish goddess.
Before we headed out for the walk I told her to dress appropriately for the Scottish weather and to fair it was a beautiful day when we set off, Kate demanding the summer dress and trainers would be fine. She did look amazing so who was I to argue.
The plan was to walk to the Bothy my great grandfather had built taking in the beautiful rolling borders hills as we walked. Telling her about all about my home town as we walked. Pointing out all the landmarks and the names of the hills.
We were getting close to the bothy, just another 200 yards into that valley I pointed as the sky’s quickly darkened. The the rain, thundering down from nowhere. I grabbed Kate’s hand and run, pulling her along behind me. I was soaking as we reached the bothy. I shoulder slammed the door, Kate’s had still in mine. The door swung open as we stumbled inside.
I looked down at myself. Absolutely drenched!
I looked up at Kate. Her wet hair all messed from running, the dress now soaked through and clenching to every inch off her figure, her big brown eyes looking at me in shock!
“What the hell was that!”
She asked. I laughed and reminded her I had warned her about the weather.
Still in shock.
“What the hell do we do now!”
She demanded to know.
I told her not to worry as I opened the cupboard door, just as I thought. Lots of wood. Fire lighters, matches and if I just reach into the back, yes! A bottle of wine. My family always leaves a bottle, just in case. I light the fire and open the wine. No glasses I am afraid, just drinking from the bottle old school.
Kate smiles and says “and that’s why I love you”
I smile back as I hand her the bottle. I pull the drying rack from the back of the room and place it in front of the fire. She watches as I take my shirt off and hanging it over the rack, slowly sipping the wine from the bottle as her eyes fix on mine.
“And your trousers” she nods down as she sips on more wine while smiling.
I kick my shoes off and slid out of my wet trousers, pull my socks off and hang them all to dry. Stood now in my wet boxers she can see she is turning me on.
“Oh, but now I feel so overdressed”
She exclaims, as she hands me the bottle of wine.
She takes a step back, looks my in the eyes as she runs her hands down neck and on to her shoulder, pushing the first strap off, runs her finger tips over her neck the the other shoulder and let’s the strap fall to her arm.
She takes her eyes off mine and looks at her cleavage as my eyes follow, slowly undoing the buttons.
1, 2,3 so slow, then 4.
She catches my eyes,
“Please sir, a little help with the last two?”
I step to her, grabbing the dress and tug at it. The last two buttons pop off as Kate gives a small gasp.
I take a step back and watch her.
“Thank you sir”
Her brown eyes getting ever so slightly darker.
She tugged the wet dress down over her beautiful tits, down to her waist then pushing it over her wide hips, turning round so I can watch as it’s pushed over her round ass and let’s it drop the the floor. Bends over to pick it up, wriggling her ass as she dose so.
She turns and hangs it to dry. Kick off her trainers and sock then stands in front of me in her underwear, wet white underwear. I can see her dark nipples through the wet thin bra, I look down and see the cute manicured landing strip through her white lace panties.
“What do we do now?
She asks, throwing her hands up to her side .
I step to her.
Would could be here for hours. I tell her. With a coy look in my eye. As I grab her hips and pull her a little closer.
I suggest we find some way to keep warm.

Part 2 will follow


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