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Hunt For British Forces Who Were In Northern Ireland

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Why is the British Government running a ghost hunt for British forces who were in Northern Ireland during the troubles?
Reactions: Pearls


Did the whole H Blocks thing pass you by, then? Birmingham 6? Bobby Sands?
What is the difference between a person classed as a terrorist and a soldier ordered by this government to fight and protect?
19 March 2015
Yeah that needs to be left well alone. Didn't see any terrorists getting prosecuted!?
PS that should read many not any. Apologies.
Not many were prosecuted and they were not. Additionally a hell of a lot have been granted immunity - as you know.


18 July 2015
In fact take that back, It doesn't really bother me to be honest, the world is a sad place, enjoy life and stop worrying about this that and everything because blink and you would have spent your life arguing debates yes

Deleted member 1030

That's how many?

Now check how many of our boys they are trying to sniff out.
No. There were thousands and thousands. The Maze Prison didn't just hold one prisoner! Neither did the mainland prisons.

It is a very tricky situation, the retrospective prosecution of soldiers who served their country. War is war and, as such, should offer a certain immunity to those who take part - people who are a LOT feckin braver than me. However, this does not give carte blanche to anyone to just go off and be a psycho in a uniform. If crimes were committed, then they should be investigated - Bloody Sunday was a massacre, for example, and shooting a bound and unarmed prisoner at point blank range is murder. The big question is who is responsible? Is it, in fact, the rank and file soldier following orders or the top brass who gave the order? Is it the poor bastard that has spent months and months in the hell of an alien country and culture, not knowing who wants to kill you and who doesn't, or the government that put him there?
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


3 February 2016
All I'm going to say on this subject is two gernal points

1. That a soldier should always act with in the confines of the law, and beable to report those that they feel haven't.

2. My grandad (former coldstream sergeant major) told me you choose whether you hit or miss.


What is the difference between a person classed as a terrorist and a soldier ordered by this government to fight and protect?
to fight and protect is one thing, to beat the shit out a civilian because they are suspected of being a terrorist is quite another.


to fight and protect is one thing, to beat the shit out a civilian because they are suspected of being a terrorist is quite another.
How can you tell the difference? Also I think there should have been a united Ireland from the beginning. It's a Island after all and the British government has no right to it.


How can you tell the difference? Also I think there should have been a united Ireland from the beginning. It's a Island after all and the British government has no right to it.
well I dont think giving someone a beating because of rumors he is a terrorist if a very diplomatic way of doing things. evidence is a good start and even then a beating from a soldier down a back ally is not going to fix anything, just make it worse. and I believe there was one or two people in northern Ireland that wanted to be part of the uk.
Reactions: Pearls
24 November 2015
Im part irish on my fathers side, english mothers side so I shall refrain from commenting as I have seen both sides to this coin
Reactions: Pearls
19 March 2015
Oh yes, absolutely there were. Agreed, no mistaking that.
But, were we or were we not protecting British citizens who wished to remain just that?
(sorry for the delay it's taken me the best part of 3 hours to reply)
Crimes were committed on both sides.
However, they are seeking more blood right now from ex-service personnel (and some current) from the troubles. Seeking more blood than they are those who we fought against and let's face it, they committed atrocities.
Bombings of our mainland. Innocent women and children were killed in the streets in the UK mainland. People then wonder why the troops were so aggressive in defence?
Nail bombs.
Dirty bombs.
Fertiliser bombs..
Ball bearings, nails, screws, broken glass. Geneva convention much!?

What about the soldiers they kidnapped and tortured?
What about the soldiers they used as human shields? Which they did. And the police too... They used the police as human shields and targets.

Remember the choppers shot down? They used all sorts to bring them down and celebrated in doing so.
The car mobile rocket launchers they made. Fired at bases killing many..
They also tortured their own.
They also worked alongside and supported Al Qadea, Libyan terrorism and a plethora of other terrorist networks.

I wonder...
What are your thoughts on The Falklands War?
Sadly, I don't have much time to get involved in this debate as much as I'd love to.


Hmmmmmmm I shall read with great interest of the views that people make about this and weren't there or even at an adult age to comprehend the complexities during this difficult time. Interesting thread indeed.


Points very well made.
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