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If Tripadvisor Did Swinging



Haha you'll be fine am sure...
"Biba's very demanding and everything is broken!"
"He's cool as a cucumber but for some reason Biba always refers to Stephen as Turkey Boy"

Oh bugger well this turkey boy is not attending any Christmas parties..
Unless I do the stuffing
Reactions: Pearls


I'd leave no verification and wait CPR them to question it. I'd then tell em why - lied about age etc. At least if you don't leave a verification then you can't mislead other suitors into believing what they're seeing is what they're getting. And as for the checking if he'd cum thing.. ..any bloke who doesn't know when he has or hasn't is fibbing. Perhaps he had and because there wasn't copious amounts he felt embarrassed about it. Who knows. Hope you're next meet goes off with a bang!
Reactions: Pearls and Admin


CPR - wtf. Should be "for". Although by the sounds of it the guys could done with a little CPR to liven em up!
Reactions: Pearls and Admin
27 April 2015
Has to be truthful, and verify they are genuine agreed, as for elaborating, it should be done with feeling rather than a bluntness, as others have said, one persons idea of heaven may be, anothers view of hell xx


18 July 2015
Verifications are here for a reason, they help but not always 100% true, Lies... Mmmmm I/we see it every day, the excuses and rubbish people come out with to make themselves look like angels are shocking, some go to serious lengths. Believe it or not it usually the ladies or couples that in our experience are worse....
Just remember girls and boys, to be a good liar you have to have a good memory and sadly most end up looking like fools, quite funny to watch sometimes
Reactions: The_Bibas


Have you been watching the film
Truth lies and video tape
Video tape.. God I am so old


18 July 2015
I have 3 more years before I get the option to start taking my pension
Lol lol lol lol..
I can run further, work harder and am stronger than most young men I know..

Shit out of breath typing this
Need to rest
Take your time and remember to have grandad naps


Take your time and remember to have grandad naps
I will
Especially on the London to Paris cycle ride I am doing.
Only two days normally but will do it in three as lots of young ones under 25 doing it.. Don't want to hurt them.. Bless


18 July 2015
I will
Especially on the London to Paris cycle ride I am doing.
Only two days normally but will do it in three as lots of young ones under 25 doing it.. Don't want to hurt them.. Bless
Watch the blood pressure and don't forget the water tablets


I will
Especially on the London to Paris cycle ride I am doing.
Only two days normally but will do it in three as lots of young ones under 25 doing it.. Don't want to hurt them.. Bless
I hope your on a tricycle..
Mwahh x


I will
Especially on the London to Paris cycle ride I am doing.
Only two days normally but will do it in three as lots of young ones under 25 doing it.. Don't want to hurt them.. Bless
Use the Chanel tunnel crossing London to Paris, job done. No aches or pains and you could even fit in some sight seeing whilst waiting for the younger counterparts to arrive.....just a suggestion.
Reactions: The_Bibas


Use the Chanel tunnel crossing London to Paris, job done. No aches or pains and you could even fit in some sight seeing whilst waiting for the younger counterparts to arrive.....just a suggestion.

I was planning on swimming the channel with a bike strapped to my back ready to fight off the samaratians thinking I was a refugee who fell off a ferry surrounded by surviving kids.. A bit like the pied piper or jimmy Saville..
So the tunnel might help
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