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Individuals Abilities


11 August 2015
OK, I'm going to be fairly blunt about this. I have just returned after being away for a few days and have spent hours wading through all the new post. Most of these are fine but I did find a couple that could only be seen as veiled comments on the abilities of other site members.
Personally I find this totally unacceptable and do not believe that is what this site is here for or what our members expect from others. We try to maintain a friendly all inclusive site, myself and all the other moderators are not here just for fun, we are here because we like the site and want to maintain it's individuality.
So in simple words, if you have something to say keep it polite, make is obvious and cut out the crap, rant over.


Erm Mr T are you ok hun? Im.standing well back in case you yell lol xxxxx
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