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Information From Forums


15 September 2014
We gain a lot of information from the forums about people on here. Some makes us think they sound nice and others make us think looks great but what a shame about the personality. Do others do this or is it just us.
Moved to general chats.


11 August 2015
That's what the forums are for, to get to know people. The problem as always is forming an opinion based on what they have said in their posts but yes I think we all form a mental image of people, rightly or wrongly, from what has been posted.
Having been to a few socials now, I've found my image of other members is usually near to the reality ...... but not always.


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Oh dear

N xxx
19 March 2015
We gain a lot of information from the forums about people on here. Some makes us think they sound nice and others make us think looks great but what a shame about the personality. Do others do this or is it just us.
We definitely do pick up on how people are on here and how they conduct/convey themselves too.
You know I was thinking about this the other day and almost started a similar thread but held off, however given this post I think it may be poignant..

I think the forums play a huge part on the site, of course I would say that but even personally I genuinely do believe they play a very significant role in the site and how we (generic) progress with other people on here.

That's what the forums are for, to get to know people. The problem as always is forming an opinion based on what they have said in their posts but yes I think we all form a mental image of people, rightly or wrongly, from what has been posted.
26 July 2016
It very much colours our opinion of people people on here to the point of we have a mental note of people we would never want to meet and even go as far as some folks we won't even comment on forum posts they make. Its quite funny really. as we have seen a few of the people who fall into the latter group just stop posting so we can only assume they either got the boot or chose to leave.
Reactions: Baldrick

No longer with us

I think it’s only natural to get information about what folks are like from forum discussions; the trick is never to let that impression be the only information you get look for if you’re curious. As an example, some folks are very chatty on the forums, some less so. Doesn’t for a moment indicate they’d be that chatty (or not) in person...
Reactions: Deleted member 6485
5 July 2016
I just presumed everyone did this. I think we would take more caution on meeting people that we had, had no interactions with on the forums.
I think the forums are a great tool for observing peoples interactions and making an educated decision on whether you think you'd get on well in RL. We get an imprression of what other members personalities are like on the forums.
For example if we knew a member to be stern or take offence easily or who's interests are what dog is the latest in handbag fashion accessories, then we're probably not going to get along.
If we know of somebody who doesn't like sarcasm or a dark sense of humour then we also may got along.
And then there's those whose moral compass doesn't broadly align with ours. That's going to be a no go too.

Feck if there's anyone left please put your hand up. I might've just isolated us from everybody

B x
24 November 2015
hello baldie xx


11 August 2015

Awww I feel rejected now
18 October 2015
My hand is still up but it was a close run thing with the dog/handbag accessory oojimawatsit...
18 October 2015
Sorry about that I will try to behave next time we meet
18 October 2015
To be fair there could actually be a dog in Kaz's handbag. It's like a portable skip and why her purse and keys are always at the bottom of all the crap is a downright mystery

B x
In support of the lovely Kaz my handbag is the same. However we ladies need large handbags because when we go out with our other halves they say can you just put that in your bag and have you got room for that in your bag.....


3 September 2017
It’s just human nature to mentally assess people wether it be in person or the written word.

Never judge fully though until you’ve met the real thing, we as humans can always surprise.... or not.

I do think your all nuts though but what does that say about me?


15 September 2014
It’s just human nature to mentally assess people wether it be in person or the written word.
Of course it is.. We always look at the menu first and eat with your eyes first, so this is no different agreed.
3 July 2017
Of course it is.. We always look at the menu first and eat with your eyes first, so this is no different agreed.

I get drunk first; then I fall over, at some point someone hands me a menu and I reply "I'll have what you're having"... works well in a couple scenario.....

But seriously; we are who we are, perhaps the words we write are important, perhaps not; some of the greatest experiences we can have in our life are when we challenge ourselves to move beyond the comfortable and the "known" and into the unknown; now I am not saying that we should go with people that are so far removed from our opinions or life view that we end up in a car crash of a meet. However, sometimes when we communicate with people that challenge us, and they do it in a reasoned and thought provoking way, there is the seed of passion, those that are vociferous, those that can be confrontation, are usually passionate, how we manage that and work with it, can often lead to mutually exciting encounters.
Reactions: Therapon
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