Internet Cheats

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18 July 2015
From social media where married guys and ladies say the usual. "Shhhh secret account" swingers included. Why?

It is too easy these days to be unfaithful on the internet. No more making excuses to get out and sneak around when you have everything you need at your fingertips.

I personally met a couple at a club and the hubby has no clue that his wife is secretly on social media chatting up men behind his back. They are swingers so why have this secrecy with your loved one? Is this cheating behind his back?
There is obviously something missing there but they do swing separately so why?

So have you found out if a partner or loved one is secretly chatting to others on the internet with out your knowledge?
What has happened as a result of this?

I believe this is only a start of dangerous things to come.. We have devices that have security codes which you would never even see if you had an inkling something was going on.


18 July 2015
Oh and this doesn't have to be social media either. could be anything on the internet x


From social media where married guys and ladies say the usual. "Shhhh secret account" swingers included. Why?

It is too easy these days to be unfaithful on the internet. No more making excuses to get out and sneak around when you have everything you need at your fingertips.

I personally met a couple at a club and the hubby has no clue that his wife is secretly on social media chatting up men behind his back. They are swingers so why have this secrecy with your loved one? Is this cheating behind his back?
There is obviously something missing there but they do swing separately so why?

So have you found out if a partner or loved one is secretly chatting to others on the internet with out your knowledge?
What has happened as a result of this?

I believe this is only a start of dangerous things to come.. We have devices that have security codes which you would never even see if you had an inkling something was going on.
I can clearly understand what i can say is a fantastic thread ex was very same and I only found out by chance as I travelled alot training staff for big superstore chain.when it all came out he'd been seeing her for five years and this had me assessing myself not just as is partner wife friend ect but the aftermath that came with it destroyed me and my family xxx
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18 July 2015
I can clearly understand what i can say is a fantastic thread ex was very same and I only found out by chance as I travelled alot training staff for big superstore chain.when it all came out he'd been seeing her for five years and this had me assessing myself not just as is partner wife friend ect but the aftermath that came with it destroyed me and my family xxx
And this is where it ends up. People just don't see what damage can be done by being secretive and sly. Talk to each other. So over rated these days. Sadly, like I said I have met a woman that openly has accounts on the internet and meets strangers behind her husbands back. He's lovely too. X


3 February 2016
I had a girlfriend that was talking to another (female) friend of mine online the problem was that she was doing it secretly, attracted to said friend, and never admitted it until after things had gone pop.

The thing is I think they could of clicked as friends and wouldn't have had a problem with them being lovers also as at the time I trusted them both totally.


And this is where it ends up. People just don't see what damage can be done by being secretive and sly. Talk to each other. So over rated these days. Sadly, like I said I have met a woman that openly has accounts on the internet and meets strangers behind her husbands back. He's lovely too. X
And that's a shame as there are not many genuine guys like your friend that would give there all for their partners xx


I have to say that as an educated guess 90% of the single men we have ever met is either married or in a relationship without their partner knowing.
I will also agree that it is too easy
Again I suspect that the chase, even though it is by keyboard and not by foot, accounts for why so many people don't turn up.
Biba has a knack of getting the truth out of people and I think only one has stuck to their single story. That said we saw him in next last weekend with his wife and kids.
Crapped himself!


Can't understand why swingers would cheat on the internet, unless one was looking for something more than swinging - a change of relationship maybe. We share all swinger contacts made on the net and discuss whether we want o follow them up.

Can understand how the internet would be really great for hidden affairs though! Would have made things a lot easier in the days when we were both having them ;) (before we met).


Why do it? Because it is easy. Too easy so people think it has no serious consequences. If challenged it will be defeneded as "not real, just online, a bit of fun. I was never going to meet them in real life"

Maybe. Maybe not. How you deal with it is up to you but things are never the same afterwards.
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Its far far far to easy. I regularly get messages from.guys on twitter and 100% of them are attatched but still asking me to meet them. Very sad really xxx
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Its unbelievably easy to cheat these days..
Especially, if your partner rarely uses the Internet... and trusts you implicitally.
Do i flirt yes, would I cheat No.
Men are clever well a few.. :D women are clever too..
Some are vulnerable... and some can smell that vulnerability and home in.. with stealth and expertise.
Yes its easy to cheat.. but I feel the internet just makes it easier..
But if someones going to cheat.. ???? People still cheated via letter or public phone box.
To cheat when you are a swinger? Really?? Down right stupid.. incontent.. or just GREEDY....
I Have no time for cheaters.. lowlife.

Deleted member 3411

We chat to others. Can't speak for Linda exactly as we havn't spoken much about on line friends and fun, but we have no secrets and she's ok with me chatting and the like on line. Trust equals no secrets and no need for them. If Linda gets naughty on line she knows I want to know as I'd get a thrill.
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19 February 2016
I hooked up with a martied colleague who swings and and as they were both on another site as a couple I thought he knew. . . . His reaction when he walked in said otherwise .
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19 February 2016
It was the texts from him a few days later that shocked me.

Asking who made the move on who etc . .
Then telling me it's OK for me to keep seeing her as long as I tell him.
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