Is There A Difference In A Open Relationship To Swinging Couple

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18 July 2015
Good thread and one we haven't had yet, interesting to see peoples thoughts on this xx


11 August 2015
I watched a programme regarding open couples and wondered what your thoughts are ?

I'm not really sure as these terms seem to be interchangeable. It a bit like asking what is the difference between different makes of cars. They all have wheels, bodywork, electronics etc and really only differ in styling or the amount of accessories.
So maybe swinging involves people and sex whereas an open relationship involves people, sex and love.
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I think that the main difference is that in a genuine swinging relationship the rules between partners are generally well established and strict boundaries observed. An open relationship tends to be one where individuals are given the freedom to go off and do what they want with whomever they want without reference to or agreement from their partner. Probably going to be proved wrong... lol
17 March 2017
I think that the main difference is that in a genuine swinging relationship the rules between partners are generally well established and strict boundaries observed. An open relationship tends to be one where individuals are given the freedom to go off and do what they want with whomever they want without reference to or agreement from their partner. Probably going to be proved wrong... lol
No I think you are right open relationship means I think away from partner but with their blessing , They may or may not want to know the details!
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17 March 2017
I would just add to this, that from my limited experience of swinging, that if as a couple you play separately then it isn't a million miles away from an open relationship. I would almost describe our relationship as like an open relationship but with more rules - the main one being that we would check that the other is happy with us playing in advance... Whereas if we were in an open relationship there wouldn't be as much of thay, we would have more autonomy to make sexual decisions and it would be more casual
Perfect answer thank you


I would just add to this, that from my limited experience of swinging, that if as a couple you play separately then it isn't a million miles away from an open relationship. I would almost describe our relationship as like an open relationship but with more rules - the main one being that we would check that the other is happy with us playing in advance... Whereas if we were in an open relationship there wouldn't be as much of thay, we would have more autonomy to make sexual decisions and it would be more casual

Agree, on the relatively few occasions we've played separately we've checked with the other one, or told about it immediately after when its been an unplanned one-night-stand. We think 'open' means do what you want and whenever and we wouldn't call ours an open relationship but a swinger one.
27 April 2015
I watched a programme regarding open couples and wondered what your thoughts are ?
What a brilliant question...
Our understanding of swinging, is two people that are in love and committed to each other totally, enhancing an already good sex life through the introduction of others into their sexual playtime, keeping emotion and true love for themselves only and the play being kept as a fun pastime between all partners concerned.

Open relationships, for us, have too much freedom, which may open a possibility of a relationship developing if unchecked as the other partner is kept out of the loop with any regards to the goings on outside the home.
We feel swinging is the better of the options, as it builds trust through openness and honesty with no margin for doubts to creep in. And truly builds stronger deeper feelings between 2 people when used correctly.
Just our 2 penneth worth xxx