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Just Me

7 January 2017
It doesn't matter what's missing, what matters is how you present, carry, think and feel about yourself.

Even though we haven't met in person, I can tell you are one beautiful, courageous, intelligent, strong, and self-sufficient woman. You're not a girl, you're not even a lady. You're a woman, dammit! Hear your roar!

We will always love and support you
Reactions: Therapon


Well Miss-Sexy-Legs, Life is full of ups and downs and although I've never met you, it's still wonderful to speak to you on here. You are a strong woman.
I used to work as a Hospice nurse before I retired and have been privileged to have met some wonderful people. People that have fought cancer and people who have won that fight. It all comes down to your attitude, to be a fighter, and friends and family around you. You have friends and family here on. Social swinging feels like a family and they are friendly. So I'll send you a hug through here. Lots of love from the Fizzers
24 November 2015
Thank you hunni xx
30 March 2017
High Wycombe
A true survivor there are so many people touched by cancer in one way or another nowadays. As previously said hun it makes you no less of a woman and no less beautiful xx I only have 1 testical for the same reason well 1 real one and 1 fake one x
Reactions: Therapon
17 March 2017
A true survivor there are so many people touched by cancer in one way or another nowadays. As previously said hun it makes you no less of a woman and no less beautiful xx I only have 1 testical for the same reason well 1 real one and 1 fake one x
But The One Is mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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