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Life Without The Internet

  • Thread starter Mr.Mystery
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Can you imagine life now without the internet to which we have all become a permenant part of?
Was life better before technology took over our everyday lives?
Reactions: Pearls and Therapon


Hard one to answer that..
Workwise and advancement wise, I would say perhaps not.. it enables us to do things.. that where unimaginable years ago..
Then i look at the youngsters holed up in their rooms gaming for hours upon end.. and think back to my childhood, when i couldn't wait to get outside with my mates, on my bike..
So.... as i said hard one to answer..


True, it is a parents responsibility to try prevent exposure to the grimternet but all best intentions go to waste with the ease of which they can gain access these days.


I think the common man could easily readapt to a pre-internet way of life but industry and commerce would suffer greatly.
It was only last evening my sister and I were chatting about how we were never in the house as children. We always found something to do with our time which involved being out with our friends and being active. Kids do play out these days but they seem to want to hang out and look cool on corners with their tight jeans and expensive phones and trainers.
26 July 2016
Its all about parenting skills. Both our boys did things away from home like playing rugby for the local club. And just generally get them out the house and burning off some energy and learning people skills.

Deleted member 3175

I restrict our lads internet to an hour to hour and half of internet but only after school work. And weekends he's always on FaceTime to his mates when he's not out playing football etc. But that's how much life has changed.

Must admit there are that many social media platforms now a days that everyone is on it takes more time updating them than actually talking to people. Went out for a meal with my girls on Saturday and the table opposite was full of young girls snap chatting everything they did, all pouting and preening, taking pictures. Don't think we heard them talk at all.

For work purposes it's great makes getting information to customers quicker and easier. I would be lost without it, but I think I could cope if I didn't have it.


15 September 2014
Says it all really about where we are with things and where life is headed.
I used to say - the art of conversation is not lost, it's behind the T.V. Now I say it's behind the smart phone.

Social media. What's social about social media? There is nothing social about social media.
We use it for business reasons but personally we dropped it a long time ago.
Our youngest two don't have access to social media. Yes they have phones and tablets which are monitored by me. But I refuse to allow our 14 year old any social media accounts.
No instagram, no FB, nothing apart from his iPhone / iMessages and ****** to keep in touch with friends/school/cadets etc.

The fact you went for a meal and saw a bunch of girls all taking pics and pouting, instead of enjoying their meal and chatting, just says it all about what technology is doing.

I've lost count how many children I've almost hit with the car when driving, because they walk around - right hand and thumbs hammering their keyboards, heads down, and have NO concept of their surroundings.

Of course, we as a business need the Net. It's what we do.
But I've been working in I.T and the Internet for a very long time now. I don't like what it's done to society or us as people.
Of course it's down to individuals to manage their time online and what they do, but let's face it, while the Internet is an amazing thing and tool for global knowledge- it's also sucking the life, soul, and spirit out of people and communities.

When was the last time you saw people actually saying good morning or hello when they pass each other in the street?

I worry for the younger generation and Millennials as they have NO idea of real life.
Everything is "Google it" and we all know the saying;
A little bit of knowledge....
just my thoughts on it personally.
Reactions: Mr.Mystery

Deleted member 3175

Couldn't agree more! Up until recently I spent so much time up dating instragm, facebook, ****** with everything I was doing it got to the point where I spent more time on my phone than actually talking to people. This year I have made a valid effort to be more social, take time to talk to people, go out with friends and not feel the need to let my digital life take over.

Our son was asking us some questions about his homework recently and he said I'll just google it. I stopped and took the time to show him his books are just as important as google. Explained that without books and information people had actually written down where would google get the information from?

I agree with you about kids with phones too! I have actually seen children the same age as our son with mobiles! They're only 8! Whilst I don't mind him using the iPad to FaceTime when he's at home, he's too young to have a phone, and when he eventually gets one it will be restricted to the maximum. And the fact that taking a selfie or messaging your friend is more important than looking where you're going is a worrying thing x
Reactions: Therapon


11 August 2015
I worked in IT before the Internet (as most people think of it) was available. I've seen it grow into what is now a minefield of information, misinformation, truth, lies and everything in between. It can be a very useful aid if used correctly but the social aspect is anything but for many, it divorces people from real interact with others. It can be a god send to some isolated individuals but also makes others more isolated. My pet hate ..... trying to talk to someone but they have obviously more important stuff to do on their mobile. Instant gratification I could go on, ooo maybe the rant thread
Reactions: Mr.Mystery

Deleted member 1030

I love it online! I love the internet, social media, email, messaging apps, forums, chatrooms... the lot. I like being able to chat to friends who are miles away, being able to access information that I wouldn't normally be able to access, finding out what folks think of a certain topic, being able to wank to a quite specific fantasy just by typing the right words. I love being able to create an illustration and have it up for sale two minutes later. I love that it has moved on and expanded our language. It is an incredibly useful tool that can enhance ones life.

If it's used properly.

I hate the perverts and the scammers and the chancers and the trolls. I hate how it can poison someone's mind or make someone feel that those dark thoughts, that they had previously suppressed, can be justified by the fact that another sociopath has blogged theirs. I hate how children somehow feel it is their birthright to have a Facebook account. I hate the attempts to govern, suppress, censor and monitor the internet by regimes that know very little about it and rely on folk tales and media hysteria to provide their 'expertise'. I hate how the idea of Free Speech is corrupted by keyboard warriors to be as vile and offensive as they want to be. I hate how these bastards are used as an excuse to clamp down on Free Speech.

I think it's fair to say that the online world is a schizophrenic world!
Reactions: Mr.Mystery
26 July 2016
As I once said to 1 of our boys who attempted to use his phone to text during a meal. There is an app for that. Its called respect, now put your phone away or loose it.
Reactions: Therapon
26 July 2016
Must admit it makes us laugh when we see a couple out and they are both texting. They should sit at different table's and text each other.
Reactions: Therapon


18 July 2015
I hate how we have become and would love to go back in time where people spoke to each other...
I don't have any social media accounts apart from business, I don't own a mobile apart from a business one.
If people want to speak to me then ring me on the land line or knock my door.

The days of chatting to the milkman and a gossip to Mrs Jones down the road about everyday lives are long gone.

I worry about my children and what future they have, do children know what it is to write a letter and post it these days? No.

Online everything, from shopping to dating, can't we go into a pub now and offer a lady a drink or is that not done? log on a dating site now and take a chance eh.
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