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Looking For Like Minded People In Kent Or South East

  • Thread starter snakehips
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Hi i am quite new to the site and i am looking for like minded naughty but fun and friendly people to assist me in finding my feet on this site and showing me what it has to offer . Please message me .. x

Deleted member 3657

Welcome mate. If I may offer a little advice, get chatting in the forums, get yourself known and let others see your personality. That way you'll get to know others and then private messages may start to happen once folk are more confident in knowing you rather than cold calling per say. It does work.
Welcome to the site


Hi kwaka ... thanks for the advice mate i have been on sites before but they are not my kind of site..very clicky ect .. i dont do arrogance or filling up ego s i just want to simply connect with like minded people . i have never done it before but this time i am going to interact with the men more aswell as i believe it could be not only informative and helpfull but its not just a giel on boy site and i mostly want to have the mmf an alike experiences moreso... so as not to leave anyone out and make anyone feel like i am only after having the feel of someones wife gf and moving on as that is not me ... i am changing my thinking slightly .. i have no tendancy to men whatsoever but i think this is just a normal respectfull outlook and i already get the feeling the fellas on here are more paly anyway and far from the ignorant only thinking about thereself kind that you get on other sites ??? What do you think ?
Reactions: Deleted member 3657


And thanks to everyone ... i have been made to feel most welcome .. that goes a long way with me
Reactions: Admin

Deleted member 3657

You're welcome mate. You're right, this site is different. Guys chat, it's more of a community. Would I trip you up to get to a hot girl first? Fuck yeah but members here really do see how you interact with everyone and base their opinions of you on that. You'll see everyone chats to everyone.
Reactions: Deleted member 1030


18 July 2015
Just click new posts at the top there. You'll see how many in red. X
27 April 2015
Hi i am quite new to the site and i am looking for like minded naughty but fun and friendly people to assist me in finding my feet on this site and showing me what it has to offer . Please message me .. x
Hi again, and welcome, to the forums everyone is giving you great advice, as all the best friends with benefits are to be found in here, however, without friendship first, you are banging your head against a brick wall, so get chatting, get some common ground, and the rest just falls into place. Nothing happens instantly, it takes, time and patience, but you seem like your prepared to wait to find exactly what your looking for.
Our Regards, @The-A-Team


Is looking for someone to go to kestrels .. Maybe you can go together?

Couples night..

Do clubs allow men in as a couple?
They should..
I really don't know actually

Just an idea
Reactions: Miss-Sexy-Legs


Kestral /Abfabs definitely allow two men or women together as a couple ( cheaper than two solo men )
any time, but there is a specific gay night but frankly it doesn't make any difference when you go apart
from Fridays which are too busy with too many single pushy men and Saturdays are couples only.
Bibas who are you referring to that we may be able to go to Kestrals together?


But if it is saturated with men anyway.. Not sure it will work


I have lost the plot, happy to answer any specific Kestral/Abfab questions or Silverleigh/Eurekas, Chameleons,
and other clubs I may have been to.
Reactions: Miss-Sexy-Legs
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