Male Pics

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What makes a sexy male pic?

Why is it so hard to get a sexy male pic? The cock shot just doesn't cut it.
I would love to hear what everyone thinks makes a sexy male pic.
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Blimey!! Faded ripped jeans.. yummy torso..
Open shirt .. tie slung around the neck..
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29 September 2015
I've put on a bit of weight lately hence the reduction in pictures taken. Need to find the right camera angle and correct pose to take a sexy pic
25 July 2016
Only have a few pics of myself, for many reasons. One is just a funny pair of boxer shorts, and there won't be anyone to be honest, out of respect for the ladies.
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Cock shots is a no no for me. I just don't think it would be in good taste but that's me. I don't post amazingly sexy photos of myself cos I don't have a photographer available to take photos for me and would feel a bit awkward asking some random to take a photo of me in various states of attire or out of attire. Lol. That leaves selfies which I'm reluctant to do as they don't do me any justice at all. That said if there's any members out there who would like to take some photos of me then I'd be up for that. :) ;)


What makes a sexy male pic?

Why is it so hard to get a sexy male pic? The cock shot just doesn't cut it.
I would love to hear what everyone thinks makes a sexy male pic.

The same thing that makes women pictures sexy.. Tease without the tell
Illusion. The idea that there is something worth chasing.
An open vagina is a foregone conclusion
An erect cock shows shallow minded expectation while a placid slug is an advert for viagra..
You can still be a slut without showing a creampie and still be a sexy hunk without showing your droopy ball sack..
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15 September 2014
The same thing that makes women pictures sexy.. Tease without the tell
Illusion. The idea that there is something worth chasing.
An open vagina is a foregone conclusion
An erect cock shows shallow minded expectation while a placid slug is an advert for viagra..
You can still be a slut without showing a creampie and still be a sexy hunk without showing your droopy ball sack..
Agreed.... It's about the whole less is more thing. :) x
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