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We all know it happens and we can't control if the person you have met is actually single or married. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY SAY THEY ARE SINGLE!
The truth is rarely the truth.

Our single guy last night was clearly married and Biba eventually got him a to admit it.... Torture is a great tool...

Anyhow.. Scenario!
What excuse would you come up with or what would you say if the single person you have been seeing left your address in their satnav.... And their married partner knocked on your door?

It could and probably has happened!


We mostly play with couples; we know the few single friends we have are genuinely single. We did have a few worries when one of the couples we'd played with a few times and who had said they were married admitted they were both married to others. Geoff has been cited as co-respondant in a divorce case - a long time ago - and we wondered if we were in for the same treatment! We still kept on playing with them until they broke up as a couple and we lost contact.

Wouldn't be surprised if many of the single men Rose plays with in clubs are married and there without their Mrs knowing, but we don't swap numbers.
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3 February 2016
I would do be totally honest with them, that myself and they wife were having sex because she was a swinger, I think I would get to explain that it is no a slur on the husband bedroom ability it is just want it is. The thing is I would be doing this out of anger (i fucking hate cheaters) and to get revenge on being lied to myself.


My tattoo on my wedding ring finger always raises a question lol :0)) x

We'd never intentionally meet anyone behind a partners back as it's all about trust for us, but from our side, same as @SexyTatts for me, tattooed wedding ring would likely raise questions.

If a partner turned up at our door though, we'd just be straight with them as we'd have been lied to in the first place so no loyalty to the 'cheating partner' as our trust would have already have been broken.


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Deleted member 2610

We'd never intentionally meet anyone behind a partners back as it's all about trust for us, but from our side, same as @SexyTatts for me, tattooed wedding ring would likely raise questions.

If a partner turned up at our door though, we'd just be straight with them as we'd have been lied to in the first place so no loyalty to the 'cheating partner' as our trust would have already have been broken.


Always a good opening conversation 'I see you have a ring tattooed on your finger, are you married. No was her name was tattooed under my wedding ring and when divorced had the Celtic ring to cover and shit it hurt so much to have it done...' xx :0))


Always a good opening conversation 'I see you have a ring tattooed on your finger, are you married. No was her name was tattooed under my wedding ring and when divorced had the Celtic ring to cover and shit it hurt so much to have it done...' xx :0))

Mine's a Celtic band too, it's ok until they get towards the webbed bit between your fingers isn't it, then fookin hell :mad:

Got mine done as I just can't get on wearing jewellery and didn't want to loose the ring I had on the day as it had been my dads befored he passed away :(


Ah everyone is assuming that all married people wear wedding rings or such like.
Lots of married people don't wear them.
Lots of married people live apart for work reasons.
I imagine that the numbers of people who say that they are single compared to those who are actually single is greatly different..
We have to rely on trust which inevitably means that we take people at their word..
So is ignorance bliss?


VIP Member
6 October 2015
We all know it happens and we can't control if the person you have met is actually single or married. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY SAY THEY ARE SINGLE!
The truth is rarely the truth.

Our single guy last night was clearly married and Biba eventually got him a to admit it.... Torture is a great tool...

Anyhow.. Scenario!
What excuse would you come up with or what would you say if the single person you have been seeing left your address in their satnav.... And their married partner knocked on your door?

It could and probably has happened!

Choices Biba Choices, Only you as an individual and or with your partner can say hey you know what we honest who cares there problem if they are caught.

I will throw this one in. YES IT HAPPENS. (Applicable with Females too)
I have a very memorable past situation to share in brief (Alan)
I did not know what was told to the husband by the wife Sister B) who started to visit me & another female for roll play at my home, or his Sister who was aware of it (Sister A). I have/had and offer Female/s & couples to attend/s a Roll play/workshop we shall call it.
So I had another female started to attend our home (Sister B) for play She was MARRIED BUT her husband New nothing and she was recommended by her sister in-law (Sister B). GULP! I was not made aware of this.
Yes the sister in-law (Sister A. Single 37) had private tuition in tie n tease seduction etc with me for over 2 years, always fun enjoyable, yes we are fetish swingers too.
SO One evening not known to Me personally after 11 weeks nearly attending every 2/3weeks her coming to visit each week (Sister B), Husband of (Sister B) the Lady in question Knocks at my door after following her and of course seeing her enter my establishment I presume.
He obviously had confided in His sister (Sister A) as when I opened the door in my leather waistcoat boots and leather trousers etc ask can i talk to Mrs K please, Yes of course I said at this point I saw (Sister A smiling Knodding) the lady inside (Sister B) heard her husband and came to the door to talk to him and have conversation with him & the sister in law too. I invited him in they had a private chat in the dining room she got changed and they all left. Phew!
Yes 3 days later Sister A turned up for her lesson lol.
I asked what happens of course was shocked but the fact she still visited as normal was some what surprised, she called me prior as normal the night before to confirm so all good.
She told me the sister in-law (Sister B) told her brother/Husband the truth? she was gaining experience in person and yeh he even admitted she told him what to do etc and he accepted this all cool. A Happy ending and Transparency and adult about it.
Thank God for Fifty shades also now lol. They have been married for 19 years now.
He always wondered how she was in the know all of a sudden over weeks, thought she was reading books, teaching him, but yes as most always thinks the worst and someone better than them has been found at the time this had a happy ending they had been married for almost 6 years when this came about.
I always tell everyone who wishes to visit play with us at home Know mater who follows then or knocks at our door I/We are not doing anything wrong and yeh if they choose to lie or what ever its There crap that hits the Fan we will not lie, I am just the shy instructor.
As adults you have choices and you take that decision and deal with what ever may or may not happen but yes of course privacy and discretion assured.
I will never know what was actually said OR The truth really I suppose. Still have a playmate the couple emigrated.
My Opinion married single who cares we open, I do ask and yes ask all the question direct Some dont like it -
but torture Go Girl Biba its fun lol
Before you ask NO I didnt know they related the original girl/playmate (Sister A) told her sister in law (Sister B) to contact/visit me and suppose my shy nature attracted her to me more lol, she contacted me direct I done a little home work met for a cuppa and chat then arrange the first induction course. Nothing more starnge as Kinky folk.
Believe it or not thats one of my experiences and I have try to explain it best I can.
Love to you all
Alan xx

Deleted member 1402

Been there, done that and got the Tshirt. As I mostly play in clubs, I never know.
Same with bareback people. I often find out after I've met them.
Due to this I don't want to meet anyone else at the moment. Prolific barebackers are worse than the married crew.
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26 July 2016
We don't wear wedding bands on a normal day to day basis. Both of us for safety reasons (I have the scar to prove it and nearly lost my finger) we have met a few ladies over the years and in some cases we have met them both for a drink then the lady comes back to ours and rings husband when she wants picking up


Ah everyone is assuming that all married people wear wedding rings or such like.
Lots of married people don't wear them.
Lots of married people live apart for work reasons.
I imagine that the numbers of people who say that they are single compared to those who are actually single is greatly different..
We have to rely on trust which inevitably means that we take people at their word..
So is ignorance bliss?
I don't think it's, ignorance is bliss, this whole lifestyle goes on trust between everyone and undoubtedly a load of 'single men' are married, in the end your doing nothing wrong because your being honest, they would be the cheating liers and I'd be honest with the partner that came knocking at the door, their husband/wife is the cheat, they are the ones with the guilty secret
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27 April 2015
We would tell the truth, no ifs or butts, we always tell our 'single" guys, be honest and up front from day one, as we don't like cheats, so if this scenario happened, the truth would be spilled in all its glory.
Regards @The-A-Team
11 September 2016
I don't hide the fact I am married, but I know most do. People will want to meet you, or not, based on their preferences and how much they like you.

As for my wife turning up on your doorstep if I left your address in my sat nav.... only if your cute & a bi lady ;)
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10 December 2015
Barnard Castle
I have always stated that I am married and if people don't like that then just keep moving, simple as that no point in hiding it, we all have different reasons for having some fun.. mine is just to have some fun and If I did meet anyone they would find out why I am on here simple as that I have nothing to hide :)