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Members Of The Month April - Boltons Tigress And Clousey!


15 September 2014
Why thank you but not sure what we have done to deserve it though. Well done @Tigerinthesunshine and @mrclouse we hope you enjoy your sparkles
You're absolutely most welcome.... I will tell you why - specifically for yourself anyway.
We have watched you go from someone who was sitting back and watching what was going on, to slowly starting to get to know people and slowly getting involved - to getting involved in most threads. Adding valid arguments to discussions, adding valuable input to site related discussions and threads and for taking the time to learn the ropes rather than say;
"Too difficult can't be arsed, delete the account please."
Rather, you worked things out, asked for advice quietly here and there, have become much more involved and from my point of view, a far more prominent member of the community to only a few months ago.
It's all these reasons combined, which is why you thoroughly deserve it.
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