Members Of The Month - December Mickey, Housewifey & The Marmites!

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Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
Many congratulation to all of this month's worthy winners. Regular input from members is what keeps this website going.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you :love::love::love:

Since I joined the site I've felt nothing but very welcome and extremely comfortable here xx


This is awesome, I have sparkly bits. I'm so proud and couldn't have done it without you all....
My thanks go out to my parents as I wouldn't be here without them, to my brother for his support, my sister for her understanding and my two boys Boj and Dasher who've been a rock over the last few weeks, also my neighbour - Dave and his lovely wife Barbara who's constant arguing and loud love making have accompanied me on those long nights, thanks to my boss for being a twat but who without him I'd have a much safer life, to my friend Admin and the lovely Pearls and all the team at SS , to my girls Kelly Brooke and Keeley Hazel who both taught my right hand how to love again and finally to all of my friends and family here - this one's for you thank you, thank you. :) xx
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Reactions: Therapon


15 September 2014
This is awesome, I have sparkly bits. I'm so proud and couldn't have done it without you all....
My thanks go out to my parents as I wouldn't be here without them, to my brother for his support, my sister for her understanding and my two boys Boj and Dasher who've been a rock over the last few weeks, also my neighbour - Dave and his lovely wife Barbara who's constant arguing and loud love making have accompanied me on those long nights, thanks to my boss for being a twat but who without him I'd have a much safer life, to my friend Admin and the lovely Pearls and all the team at SS , to my girls Kelly Brooke and Keeley Hazel who both taught my right hand how to love again and finally to all of my friends and family here - this one's for you thank you, thank you. :) xx
Haha that's fantastic.. Accept it with pride and grace young man, you have done everyone proud *wipes tears*

:D :rofl:
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Reactions: Therapon