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Memory Stimulus...

1 September 2018
Have you ever had a moment when a totally innocuous event triggers something which drags you back in time? A sudden recollection of a memory so perfect that suddenly everyone/everything around you doesn't exist? A sudden recollection bought on by a taste, smell or tune which makes you close your eyes and imagine you are still there?
For me it is a single chord of music.
Our first visit to Phuket, 6 years ago. We went to a Go-Go bar called Suzy Wong's in Patong, off Bangla Road (well known for it's night life).
The girls (Yes, real ones!) were so beautiful and welcoming and the music was exactly what we would listen to at home. But there was one girl. A goddess! She was perfect!!! She was petite, short dark hair in a pixie cut. She had the most beautiful tattoo that started on her left ankle and wrapped its way up her leg, her back and down her right arm.
She was sat on a pillow. A very BIG velvet pillow, on a podium disguised as a four poster bed at the front of the club. It was as if she was listening to her own tune, dreaming her own reality, and we didn't exist. We couldn't take our eyes off her!
Then a tune started. We both just sat and watched as she made that pillow her bitch and no one in the room could look anywhere other than at her. I'm pretty sure we looked like goldfish staring at her.
Every time this tune comes on the radio, in a shop, in the car, on a TV show, I get goosebumps and instantly feel the same warm, fuzzy glow i felt in that perfect moment, and the world disappears.
Sometimes I will play it in the kitchen only to hear Geoff shout from the living room "Oooh, you cow!" as he gets that tingle of nostalgia too!
What is it that does it for you?
51 seconds in... the chord that does it! XxRy
10 July 2018
With almost every relationship I’ve had, there’s [the memory of] one song, or of one location, or of one perfume that always, always, brings me straight back to that moment with that person.


18 July 2015
So many tunes, smells and conversations that bring back happy memories, too many to mention but..
Comfortably numb (Pink Floyd)
Cheek to cheek (Fred Astair)
Are just a couple x
19 March 2015
So many tunes, smells and conversations that bring back happy memories, too many to mention but..
Comfortably numb (Pink Floyd)
Cheek to cheek (Fred Astair)
Are just a couple x
Indeed. There’s too many I think to mention...
Dolce Vita...
U2’s ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for’.
The scar on my finger where I almost lost the top of it, after chopping through it when @Pearls slapped my arse while I was chopping food in work the top was hanging off and she was loving it.
Had to have it re-attached LOL. Probably the best reminder I have. x
Reactions: Therapon
9 November 2018
A tune by New kids ft neyo brings me back to my favourite time in Newcastle smile every time. Bedrock by young money takes me back to a very naughty time in Liverpool (I am not proud) and Pon de River by elephant man brings me to my favourite holiday Jamaica a pool party with ait horns at 4am also swam with dolphins heaven breathtaking


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Quite a few tunes will transport me back to being a young girl, welcome to my world by Jim reeves transports me back to being about 8 years old on a Sunday with roast beef and all the trimmings cooking, so much so that I can actually not only visualise it but smell the beef cooking it's so weird. And the song raindrops keep falling on my head reminds me of when my dad sang it too me. Over the last few years years James blunts song bonfire heart reminds me of when me and Neil got together.

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