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New Members And Statusus

  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None


Ive noticed recenty that a few new members and some old inactive members have been popping on and updating statusus to the tune of "free today for some fun". Or "anybody wanna meet?".

I dont want this to come across as critisism but the majority of our members prefer to get to know you before jumping into bed with you. One example was someone who had not been on since January.....wanting sexy fun. Why would anyone want to meet someone who has never spoken to them or anyone else.

I guess what im.saying is....get to know people. Chat, talk have a laugh before expecting someone to accept an invitation like that.

Just general advice really. You know it makes sense. Any comments welcome xxx


How do I find people to start? I'm lost!!!!help
Reactions: Admin


How do I find people to start? I'm lost!!!!help

Ok ive just posted 2 links on your profile. Take a read through those. There have been some site changes since you were last here. There are certain things you have to comply with as a single male before you can access the site. But its straight forward enough. Any problems just ask xx
Reactions: Admin


15 September 2014
Spot on advice. Honestly, you will only get somewhere by putting effort in, learning the ropes and getting to know people.
This thread has the potential to be a real learning curve and good insight on how best to find your feet here.


Simple advice and spot on, have fun putting some effort in!

Deleted member 2610

Great advice x
Reactions: Therapon


Fancy a fuck.. ?
Thing is theyll always do it..
Thing is they never learn!
Thing is they say...
This sites crap..
Thing is.. they say..
I can never get a meet..
Thing is theres a pattern here..
Thing is.. if theres no leg work.. no effort..
Thing is.. then theres no fuckey fuckey...
Capiche.. x


VIP Member
24 September 2015
Another good way to get to know others is popping along to a social event. Prices for single males are always reduced. It's a good way of meeting new people and experiencing a club.
We have just had our 2nd social, and it was very successful. I think very nervous "new to the scene" couples and singles benefit from a night where no play or nudity can happen. A great way to meet people, make friends, and get a better idea of what swinging is all about, as it's something different for everyone and very diverse. It also helps single guys to meet people so that couples and single ladies can see the person behind the profile, and perhaps verify them. Single guys in general have a bad reputation with other swingers which isn't always justified. Most of the guys we know are fantastic! Oh and we only charge £10 per person for the socials xxx


We have put up last minute statuses.. when heading to a club, must admit.. but they rarely go along the lines of fancy a fuck..
Our acception.. these where/are usually looking for, people i chat to on a regular basis.. perhaps can be deemed *freinds* or.. people we have already met.
The difference on our part... we use the site regulary.
Dont log on when free.. just to post a meet. x

Deleted member 1402

I love clubs that do this, same price for everyone. Hope you have more successful socials to come x
Reactions: Admin and Therapon
25 July 2016

We attend one of your socials last year. You were even kind enough to put us up for the evening. Had a great time and found the quiz very funny
Reactions: Admin


This is a good thread, single guys that come on a site like this and expect to get laid the first night or week without chatting on here are just idiots. If you want that go and pay for it on the street corner. Personally I would want to get to know someone first and make sure that both parties involved are very comfortable with each other then meet and see what happens from there!!!
I enjoy the chats that I've had on here already and if I can make new friends that's great and if anything else comes from those friendships wow what a bonus!!.
Reactions: Pearls


18 July 2015
We had someone join and his first status was, who wants to meet tonight he had been here 5mins
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