I think it will take a while for things to get anywhere near normal, you walk down the street and see fear in some people ,face mask avoiding eye contact ,no one smiles anymore ... a morning as you pass .. thing if the past ..
face masks in the streets with all the face recognition technology the Feds use these day will masks be accepted , everyone looks like a bank robber,it’ll be stocking over the head next ...
industry is a difficult one ,I work in construction I can’t see social distancing working it’s just not practical for some things we do ,we already have draconian PPE regs to follow they treat construction workers as idiots tbh ... the next step full face masks at all times will happen I can see it ,if you have never worn a face mask try that for 8 hours then your realise how uncomfortable they are ..
things will be different everywhere for the foreseeable future...Corona will leave its mark on everything we do ...