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Out Of Interest.....

  • Thread starter MickeyBlueBalls
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None


OK so I'm sat here on, naff all good on the radio and in this situation Mickey has the strangest of thoughts and so here it is....
It's accepted that women are apparently better than us men at giving oral on another woman.....
So my question to you bi guys is are men better at giving oral to you than women?
I myself can't answer as never been there which is why I ask.....

Deleted member 3657

I have been told by a rather experienced actress than I was the best she had experienced. Blowing my own trumpet? Need to remove a rib first

Deleted member 1030

Well, Lis gives the best oral I've ever had, so I guess it's no from me


May I say @MickeyBlueBalls a good thread and hope it puts to bed if you pardon the pun the theory of who is better at giving good head.may I say not speaking on experience hear it as to be how the oral is recieved and given wether it male or female something we excell at and some we dont its down to the individual really


Good reply. But....I hear women saying they prefer another lady as only a woman knows how to please a woman best. So I just wondered if that's the same for men?


OK... let's sort this one out...

What I need is for all the men (bi) to line up and let me have a go on them after I have had my go, then get Mrs M to do the same.... see who gives the better one?
Well there you have it no guys. Form a line and no pushing in - no pun intended!!!!


Theres no definate answer is there, theres no generalisation.
Depends on the giver and the receiver.
Of course I'm the best at both.
Reactions: Deleted member 1030


I think theres no definitive. It depends on technique and preference and not what gender xxxx


Just close your eyes and enjoy...... Us women are the best at everything, tut tut on you xx
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